Fashion Memoir available end of May

Have you ever wondered what it was like to have taken part in the last cultural revolution of the Twentieth century, the Swinging Sixties, the heart of hippie fashion, poetry, pop music, sexual and feminist movements—then Karen Moller’s memoir will interest you. It is a first-person gallop through beatnik and hippie, San Francisco, New York, Paris and London in the 1960s and 70s, with plenty of insider hanging-out and anecdotes with Sixties icons as she progresses from art student to top fashion/textile designer. TIME magazine named Karen’s Paris styling office, Trend Union, “One of the World's Most Influential Fashion Futurists.”

Karen was a witness and participant in the 1960s political protests, ecological, sexual and feminist revolutions that liberalized society. In her third year of art school in Canada, inspired by Kerouac’s On the Road, she took off hitchhiking to San Francisco where she met Ferlinghetti and the beatnik poets. From there to New York and Paris, as an artist in training, she attended art classes with Andre Lhote, hung out at the Beat Hotel and participated in Poetry and Art Events, becoming friendly with artists and musicians. In London she became a highly successful designer, first in her own boutique – Twiggy modelled her clothes – and then with sales to Carnaby Street and Kings Road, Paris boutiques, Tiffany’s, Dorothee Bis and Le Gaminerie and across America. She partied with the Pop world of Pink Floyd, Beatles and Rolling Stones and participated in the 1968 Paris barricades. In 1969, she established London’s first textile design studio. In 1976 after winning awards and gaining international recognition, she moved her studio to Paris. In 1985, with Li Edelkoort she created Trend Union.


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