

Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock are perfect examples for how the combination of intuition and logic yields superior results. Captain Kirk would always consult Mr. Spock, counting on his impeccable fact-based reasoning. He would way the arguments and then make the best possible decision.

In industrial asset management, Cassantec takes the role of Mr. Spock. The transparent, impartial, repeatable, logical and fact-based prognoses are input, if not foundation, for the decisions of asset and reliability managers, the Captain Kirks of industrial operations.

Or, like a customer of mine once said: “Let’s view Cassantec like another person in the room to help with making decisions.”

So, if you are still lacking a Mr. Spock at your side, please approach us!

And let’s hope that your Mr. Spock will never have to say: “Your logic was impeccable, Captain. We are in grave danger.”


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