Agriculture is the backbone or perhaps the only source of livelihood for a greater number of people living in suburban and rural communities today. It offers them the opportunity to work and earning a living for themselves and their families.
The practice of agriculture in Nigeria by these individuals is limited by their dependent on rain. The rainy season is usually the only period farming activities are done and crops, both food and cash, cultivated.
Because of the #change in #climate, the rainy season is becoming shorter than expected. Sometimes the rains do not come as earlier as expected; and sometimes they (rains) stop earlier and too soon.
Depending on rainfall is becoming increasingly unreliable. If these individuals must continue farming, and do so profitably, they should be encouraged and supported to access irrigation tools like the #Ecoflo manual irrigation pumps. They are of high-quality and affordable pumps. They are very simple and easy to use. They are both effective and efficient. They are highly durable with little maintenance.
With these hand and treadle pumps, any farmers can be sure of farming all year round. And doing so increases their income and improves their standard of living.
If you are an individual and/or organization who works in the #development sector and, particularly with #farmers, we encourage you to introduce these simple, durable, effective, efficient and affordable manual #irrigation pumps to farmers under your programs/projects. Having access to these tools will increase their capacity to farm throughout the year. This will mean more food production, and hence increased personal and family income.
Let us know what you think about these #innovative manual irrigation pumps and their positive impact on small and marginal farmers especially #women and #youths.
For any enquiry about the pumps and how to acquire them, call +2348027085998 or +2348060420218. You can also WhatsApp us at +2348060420218; or email us at [email protected]. You may choose to leave us a comment indicating your interest.
Together, we can make farming fun and profitable for us all.