Farmhouse Living
Sarah Boston
Realtor/ Broker / Boss Realty - The Brokerage That Gives Back! Our mission is to help You reach Your goals! We work hard in getting your home sold quickly for the most $$, and help You in buying your Dream Home!
As I am writing this today, it is such a rainy, cold and wet day in Kansas City. But as I look out my office window, watching the cars and the street lights turn green, red & yellow. I am reminded of my time growing up in the country. I grew up in a small suburb of Kansas City, known to some but very few. It is only located about 30 minutes to downtown Kansas City, but very few know of its serene existence. I am referring to Spring Hill Kansas, only 5 minutes from the larger suburb of Olathe Kansas and Gardner, and 10 minutes south of Hillsdale Lake and Paola Kansas. My experience of growing up in Spring Hill was a different way of life than the hustle and bustle I now live in. Both have their charm and drawbacks. I love and miss the quiet country life, with just the chirping of birds and crickets to listen too. We had a small lake so the trickling of water as the wind would push it from one side of the banks to the other. The ability to go outside and scream without anyone hearing you. Allowing your grass and weeds to grow as long as you like before getting out the tractor and mowing them over. As a child the ability to dig to my hearts content. The ability for all of my siblings to run around in the yard without any fear of strangers driving on the road- our house was set off the road about a mile. We really did have an idealic childhood, we would get up feed the cows, pet rabbits, chickens and even our goat Buttermilk. We had adventures building forts, jumping off our swingset, catching fish and frogs. Go carting over our hills as fast as we could go. Aww it really was breathtaking with the clean fresh air we enjoyed.
I was instantly jerked back into reality while standing in my office window with the screeching of tires on the wet paved roads outside my window. Thinking of that small quiet farm life that seemed like an eternity ago. I take a deep breath and smile with the thought that I will take a nice relaxing drive in the country later today to show houses to prospective buyers and some day I too will return to the country life. I hope you enjoyed this throwback into the past. As I often work with helping Seniors in Downsizing and moving from their homes into Senior Living, I am often reminded in sharing stories together, it is wonderful to reminisce and remember where your roots are to know where you are going!
Sarah's Farmhouse tip of the week.. How to make the Farmhouse Rustic Style using Milk Paint on your furniture>
Lemon, 1 qt Skim Milk, Sieve, Cheesecloth, Dry Color Pigment or artists acrylic paint
Directions: Mix the juice of a lemon with 1 Qt. Skim Milk in a large mixing bowl.
Leave the mixture overnight at room temperature to induce curdling.
Pour the mixture thru a sieve lined with cheesecloth to separate the solid curds from the liquid whey. Add 4 Tablespoons of the dry color pigment to the curd; be sure to wear a mask, then stir until the pigment is evenly dispersed.
Artists acrylic paint also can be used instead of the powdered pigment. Add it one drop at a time until the desired hue is reached. Whether powdered or acrylic based paint, milk paint will spoil quickly so it should be applied within a few hours of mixing. Don't worry the soured smell will disappear once the paint dries.
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