Fargo Aqueduct Project

Fargo Aqueduct Project

Fargo Aqueduct | Fargo, North Dakota

Managing Floodwaters with Precision and Strength

The Fargo Aqueduct project is a part of a larger flood management effort, designed to protect the community from the recurrent flooding of the Red River. This massive infrastructure project involves the construction of a diversion canal and accompanying bridges to redirect water away from the city, minimizing flood risk for residents and businesses. Two contractors, ASN and Meyer, are collaborating on this undertaking, with EFCO providing the formwork solutions.

EFCO’s Innovative Solutions in Action

Meyer, a subcontractor, is responsible for the 41’ (12.5m) tall wing walls surrounding the aqueduct. These walls, which taper from 5' (1.5 m) wide at the base to just 1.5' (460 mm) at the top, were poured in just 2-3 hours, ensuring efficiency and structural integrity. ASN, tasked with building the main aqueduct structure, employed EFCO’s PLATE GIRDER? formwork to shape the U-shaped concrete channel where floodwaters will flow between piers. Additionally, EFCO’s Round Column forms were utilized to support the bridge structures that carry the diverted river over the aqueduct. These formwork systems allowed ASN to navigate the project’s unique challenges, including sloped ends and tapered walls.

Meeting Complex Challenges with EFCO’s Support

The 41' (12.5 m) wing walls were completed in six sections, with the tapered design providing additional strength against the force of the water they would eventually contain. EFCO’s formwork allowed for single-pick lifts of the 8'x41' (2.4 m x 12.5 m) gangs without the need for spreader bars. The aqueduct itself was poured in two stages, first forming a 10' (3 m) base and then adding the sloped upper section. EFCO’s systems ensured that both contractors could meet the project’s strict specifications while adhering to tight schedules.

Supporting New Customers with On-Site Training and Field Service

One of the standout aspects of the Fargo Aqueduct project was the first-time use of EFCO products by many crew members. To ensure success, EFCO provided on-site training to familiarize the crews with the assembly and operation of the formwork systems. Key team members even visited EFCO’s facility for hands-on training, reinforcing their understanding of the products. Throughout the project, EFCO’s field service and engineering teams were on hand to offer support, contributing to the overall success of the project. The positive feedback from both ASN and Meyer highlights EFCO’s commitment to providing not just industry-leading formwork, but also exceptional service and support.

Why ASN and Meyer Chose EFCO

In selecting EFCO for this project, both contractors recognized the value of working with a company that provides more than just products. EFCO’s dedication to Innovation, Quality, and Integrity, coupled with our commitment to helping customers achieve the Lowest In-Place Concrete Cost (LIPCC), made us the ideal partner. By utilizing our high-pressure formwork systems, both ASN and Meyer were able to pour the tall, tapered walls quickly and efficiently, reducing labor costs and enhancing project timelines.


PLATE GIRDER?, Round Column Forms


Matt Harrington, Sr. Field Supervisor

Jared Boyer, Territory Manager

Nate Witte, District Engineer

Jake Theis, Engineer 2


Jeff Bertram, General Superintendent

Sai Werradoddi, Project Manager – Aqueducts

David Radloff, Project Manager - Bridges


Steve Omann, Superintendent?

Andrew Smith, Project Manager

This is brilliant gear


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