Farewell, Pride 2022.
Josh Whitton, PhD
Experienced Sales, Marketing, Strategy, and Operations Executive | I/O Psychology Practitioner | DiSC, Five Behaviors, Sparck, and How To Fascinate Certified | Employee Engagement Cognoscente
As Pride month winds down, many people ask why the LGBTQIA+ community needs a month focused on us when there isn’t a “straight Pride month.” So far this year, state and local legislative bodies have introduced more than 240?bills designed to restrict the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community. Many of these bills target our trans brothers and sisters with an even greater focus on trans youth. And last week’s decision regarding privacy by the Supreme Court does not give any sense of relief. Justice Thomas’ concurrence was quite clear.[i]?If that doesn’t answer the question, I’m not sure what does. With nearly 75% of the U.S. population supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community, the fact bills are still being written to limit the rights of a community that has a majority support of the population should be concerning for all.[ii]
Having been out for the last 18 years, it seems as though the coming out process never ends. From having to answer where my wife is to asking if I’m the man or woman in same-sex relationships, I’ve concluded that the mystery around the LGBTQIA+ community is based in either fear or intrigue. Unfortunately, the fear-based mystery lends itself to a greater chance or stereotyping and bias in the workplace and in the community. So, for my heteronormative friends and colleagues, I leave you with a few research-based facts regarding the community and what we experience every day.?
In addition to the hills we climb, the impact we have on society may come as a surprise. Here is a list of some of my favorite LGBTQIA+ community members who have changed the world in their own way.?
Although the month is quickly coming to an end, the need to support the community never does. As the LGBTQIA+ community marched the streets this week with our friends and neighbors regarding the overturning of Roe, we may be calling on our allies in the coming weeks, months, or even years to do the same as our rights continue to be eroded.?
I leave you with a quote from my favorite author and longtime community ally, Dorothy Parker, “heterosexuality is not normal, it’s just common.”?
[iv]?Pachankis, J. E., Hatzenbuehler, M. L., Br?nstr?m, R., Schmidt, A. J., Berg, R. C., Jonas, K., Pitoňák, M., Baros, S., & Weatherburn, P. (2021). Structural stigma and sexual minority men's depression and suicidality: A multilevel examination of mechanisms and mobility across 48 countries.?Journal of Abnormal Psychology (1965),?130(7), 713-726.?https://doi.org/10.1037/abn0000693
[v]???Edwards, K. M., Mauer, V. A., Huff, M., Farquhar-Leicester, A., Sutton, T. E., & Ullman, S. E. (2022). Disclosure of Sexual Assault Among Sexual and Gender Minorities: A Systematic Literature Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. https://doi.org/10.1177/15248380211073842
[vii]?Hailey, J., Burton, W., & Arscott, J. (2020). We are family: Chosen and created families as a protective factor against racialized trauma and anti-LGBTQ oppression among African American sexual and gender minority youth.?Journal of GLBT Family Studies,?16(2), 176-191.?https://doi.org/10.1080/1550428X.2020.1724133