Farewell 2022 and Welcome in 2023 from us at The GCM Growth Group - simonhaigh.com - Newsletter no. 13

Farewell 2022 and Welcome in 2023 from us at The GCM Growth Group - simonhaigh.com - Newsletter no. 13

Farewell 2022 and Welcome in 2023 from us at The GCM Growth Group - simonhaigh.com - Newsletter no. 13

We have decided to practice what we preach this year here at The GCM Growth Group - simonhaigh.com, and prioritise balance in how we work. So, we will be taking a break for the Holiday Season from close of business next week Thursday 15 December and re-open Tuesday 3 January.

In reflecting on 2022, this has been a wonderful year - our most successful to date in more ways than one - and one in which we have also experienced some wonderful work-related travel opportunities for the first time really since 2019 and met and worked with great people. Here is our 2022 Snapshot - so much to recount so this is by no means the full story and apologies to those amazing people we have met and worked with this year who we haven’t mentioned here.


·???????We kicked off the year with a wonderful placing in the https://www.leadershum.com/dashboard Global 200 Leadership Thought Leader Power List.

·???????We were delighted to be back teaching negotiation at https://www.iesabroad.org/city/dublin (and look forward to running the program again next month).

·???????We launched our CPD Accredited Growth Mindset Program with https://trainedin.global/ .

·???????Totally delighted to be working with https://www.rcsi.com/dublin again.

·???????Finally, we launched a five-episode Global Growth Strategists season 3 podcast series with Hong Kong based https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/henrykhwang/

February, March & April

·???????Following a fruitful part business and part pleasure trip to London in February, we were delighted to co-present to https://www.gibs.co.za/pages/default.aspx .

·???????In March - a wonderful trip to Dubai was had again - part business and part pleasure.

·???????April saw the second of three https://inclusio.io/ collaborations with Carlow Institute of Technology.

May, June, July, August

·???????In May, a trip to France, Spain and Andorra was followed by continuing with more work with https://icbe.ie/ and then https://www.barnardos.ie/ ? .

·???????In June and July, we had two separate business trips to London, with the second one seeing Simon as keynote at https://disrupthr.co/city/london-uk/ at The Royal Institute in Mayfair.

·???????Again, saw us working with https://www.paypal.com/ie/home on an exciting new Leadership program, with the month wrapping up with more client work in Belfast, Northern Ireland.


·???????September saw the launch of yet another Leadership program with https://www.pens.com/ie/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=google_my_business , along with another Growth Mindset program with https://www.hpra.ie/ in conjunction with https://trainedin.global/ .

·???????Simon was delighted to keynote at the https://ncse.ie/ national conference in Athlone, Ireland, followed by a client trip to Cork, Ireland.

·???????The month ended with yet another accolade - https://www.thinkers360.com/ – Entrepreneurship top 50.


·???????October saw Simon speaking at the Milan based https://www.direfareleader.com/en/home-new-en/#:~:text=Dire%20Fare%20Leader%20is%20aimed,listening%20to%20successful%20case%20studies. Conference - a wonderful event.

·???????The month also saw two wonderful sessions of the Growth Mindset program in Thurles, County Tipperary with https://trainedin.global/ .

·???????The month ended with a wonderful global LinkedIn live event with linkedin.com/in/earthwind called “What are the World’s Thought Leaders Thinking?”


·???????November was a particularly busy month, starting with Simon surpassing 30,000 followers on LinkedIn and a live stream with https://www.openblend.com/ .

·???????Simon was accoladed by ?https://globalgurus.org/ as number 6 global negotiation thought leader.

·???????The month continued with ongoing work with https://www.dkit.ie/ . , https://www.hse.ie/eng/ , https://www.tourismireland.com/ , https://www.retailexcellence.ie/ and https://www.touramerica.ie/ .


·???????The year wraps up in December with a final business trip to Cork, Ireland, more work with https://www.hse.ie/eng/ and a keynote presentation to the senior executive team in the US with https://www.pens.com/ie/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=google_my_business

…..And after wrapping up the working year next week and a final Ireland trip to Galway, Miami, US beckons for a well-earned Christmas break.

Come and meet us at our new?simonhaigh.com ?website incorporating?GCM Advisory

We help organisations to achieve their aligned purpose and leaders & entrepreneurs to fulfil their authentic potential.

You are very welcome to join us where you can see the full range of our offerings, download our coaching and training programs and other exciting initiative overviews, feed into our social media platforms and access all that exists on our exciting Knowledge Hub, The e-learning Haigh Institute and much more.

Wishing you all a very successful 2023 - See you after January 3rd at simonhaigh.com

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