Far Right Conquers Germany- A Wakeup Call for Liberals

Far Right Conquers Germany- A Wakeup Call for Liberals

German's have placed their trust in AFD (Alternative für Deutschland, English Alternative for Germany) in 2025 polls, bringing the much hyped Alice Elisabeth Weidel to the driving seat. It won't be irrational to state that the road to Euro's biggest power having its own "Trump" is on the horizon, sooner than anticipated previosuly.

It might have been a surprise to the orthodox CDU and SPD parties, which have mostly shared the power stage in one way of the other. However, AFD was clear in its stance, no matter how non-liberal to German Post WWII policies it seemed before the election.

Overall, AFD is ranked second with 20.8% votes, yet the real catch to understand its turnaround lies in the gains and losses for each party from previous polls.

AFD secured twice more votes than last time at 10.4%, while CDU gains stood at 4.4%. The incumbent SPD lost 9.3% of its voters, as per the popular mood which sided with AFD in all scales.


The rise of far right, after almost half a century in heartland Europe as well as across the globe, starting from US in Nov last year, has one logical explanation for liberals, which require immediate course correction in Germany and elsewhere to even stay relevant.

Immigration and economic woes seems to be the popular tool of choice for rightists, and this stance is equally validated by center and leftist seemingly clueless towards public mood. Germany is the best example to start with. AFD success is actually the public's non approval of 2015 Chancellor Angela Merkel "Open Door Policy", which saw Germany welcoming a million refugees as waves after waves hit Europe.

Her decision, a certain political gamble, will be seen in history as something no less than Britain and allies standing for Poland in World War II, which in reality open the war of all wars. It was bold, brave and highly significant, building a momentum which might have seen many "wanna be" states to seriously think of peace in conflict regions, though the misery still reigns.

However, the follow up, especially high profile terror incident ranging from explosives to lorries ramming in people on street made AFD and its leadership assume a driving roles in German politics of today.


Fast forward, welcome to the Weidel era. There is a lot to see what future holds for Germany, and Europe.

Her ideas include reform in Euro or else a Grexit, yes a EU without Germany. She feels man made catalyst to global warming and climate change is overstated, need to be further explored. And there is no room for immigrants and refugees in the Germany 2.0 which upsets its demography and threatens its own people.

May be, had EU and Germany in general opting for a "direct assistance" to displaced persons near to the borders of origin, for instance Syrians in Middle East, Afghans in South Asia and Sudanese in Africa would have been more acceptable to public then the policy of open door.


The former for sure would have denied the sweeping rise of far right, and proved more successful politically. The burden that Angela envisioned lied on Germany, being Europe's power house is not shared by fellow German's, leading to the demise of the long held political equilibrium.

Exciting times from heartland Europe in near future!


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