FAQs ??SATCOM for grid integration of renewable energy plants ???
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At jema we offer complete turnkey systems ????
?? Such as our STATCOM compensator.?
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STATCOM is an electrical device that provides fast-acting reactive power in electricity transmission networks. They are part of the family of flexible AC transmission system devices, regulating the voltage and stabilising the system.
2. What is it designed for?
STATCOM will help the plant owner to meet the requirements by means of dynamic voltage stabilisation at the grid connection point.
3. What is its capacity?
Two product ranges, RPC X6 Family power ranges from 1Mvar to 3 Mvar Scalable.
MMC family for compact Statcoms > 15 Mvar.
4. What are its modes of operation??
??Receiver system: The STATCOM will receive a reactive power signal from an external controller. This mode is used when the STATCOM is used in PV or wind installations where other devices are also capable of supplying reactive power. A power plant controller (PPC) will then decide how much reactive power the STATCOM will supply.
??Autonomous operation: the STATCOM will supply the required reactive power autonomously.
??Mixed operation: the STATCOM shall operate in "receiver mode" for steady state and in "stand-alone mode" for stand-alone operation.
5. What is its control mode?
??Reactive power control mode: the STATCOM will provide the preset reactive power.
??Power factor control mode: the STATCOM will provide the reactive power required to maintain the preset PF.
??Voltage control mode: The STATCOM will provide the reactive power necessary to maintain the preset voltage.
??LVRT / HVRT: Full reactive current during LVRT event. When the STATCOM detects an LVRT or HVRT event while operating in different control modes, it automatically switches to dynamic control (when preset).
6. What are the differences between MMC and RPC?
Phase unbalance: Jema Energy's STATCOM MV has independent phase control and can operate in "negative phase sequence" to correct unbalance in either voltage or current up to 100%.
?? Modular Multilevel Converters:
The modular multilevel converter (MMC) is currently one of the power converter topologies that has attracted the most research and development worldwide. Its features, such as high quality of voltages and currents, high modularity and high voltage rating have made the MMC a very good choice for various applications such as STATCOMs.
The basic feature of the MMC is the serial interconnection of several submodules, generating a multilevel voltage waveform at their terminals. The sub-modules can be interconnected following various structures depending on the application.
RPC (Railway Power Conditioner) consists of a back-to-back converter whose AC terminals are connected to the two power systems of a Scott transformer. When the two terminals of the RPC are connected to a single power system, the RPC can operate as a single-phase STATCOM. RPCs can control the feeder voltage and compensate for the unbalanced power flow between the two single-phase power systems.
The RPC can transfer the active power between the traction feeders to achieve three-phase balance, and can also separately compensate the reactive power and harmonic currents of each traction feeder.
6. What are its benefits and applications?
??Voltage stabilisation: Variable load conditions can cause sudden voltage dips or surges that can lead to grid failures. Reactive power consumption of connecting lines and loads can cause voltage collapse in a weak and heavily loaded system.
??Increase transmission capacity, or increase traction power capacity: by compensating reactive power flows, the transmission capacity of the grid can be increased.?
??Overcoming faults: for some wind turbines it is difficult to meet the grid code requirement to remain connected to the grid during a grid failure. Induction generators must be magnetised quickly after the fault to avoid generator rotor overspeed.?
??Power factor correction: At some interconnection points between transmission and distribution networks a power factor of one is required. Some grid operators require the wind or solar farm to be able to control reactive power at all times.?
At Jema we offer complete turnkey systems to adapt energy installations or large consumers to the new requirements demanded by electricity grid operators. Our solutions are complete.??
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