FAQ's: Everything you need to know about carbon offsetting

FAQ's: Everything you need to know about carbon offsetting

Following on with our theme of the month #FAQs, the article below provides answers to some frequently asked questions about carbon offsetting. If you're eager to learn more about this interesting topic, read on...

What is a carbon offset?

A carbon offset (or ‘carbon credit’) represents the prevention, reduction, or removal of 1 tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) from the atmosphere. Offsetting carbon allows us to compensate for the unavoidable carbon emissions generated in everyday life.

What does carbon dioxide ‘equivalent’ mean?

Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is a metric measure used to compare the emissions from various greenhouse gases on the basis of their global warming potential. This is done by converting amounts of other gases to the amount of carbon dioxide with the equivalent global warming potential.

For example, the global warming potential for methane is 28. This means that the emission of 1 metric tonne of methane is equivalent to 28 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide.

How are carbon offsets generated?

Carbon offsets are generated from projects that either prevent, reduce, or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. There are many types of carbon project activities including reforestation, renewable energy, fuel switch and energy efficiency. Reforestation is one of the only carbon project activities which REMOVES carbon from the atmosphere.

How does Carbon Positive Australia generate carbon offsets?

We generate offsets by planting native vegetation on degraded farmland. Trees and shrubs remove or ‘sequester’ carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into organic carbon as they grow. Reforestation is one of many nature-based solutions to combat climate change and comes with a host of ‘co-benefits’ such as creating habitat for native fauna, increasing biodiversity, and improving soil quality.

How do I offset my carbon emissions?

To offset your emissions, you first need to measure your total emissions for a given time period – this is known as your ‘carbon footprint’. Our free online Carbon Calculator will help you with this. The next step is to make changes where possible to reduce your emissions.

This is often easier than you think and can be as simple as catching public transport more or making sure all the lights are off when you leave the house. Unfortunately, some emissions are unavoidable.

For those emissions you cannot reduce, you can offset. When you offset with us you are funding the planting of native trees which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

How do I calculate my carbon footprint?

As an individual, family, or household the easiest way to calculate your carbon footprint is to use our free online Carbon Calculator.

Your carbon footprint includes emissions from different aspects of your life including travel, energy use, diet, and water consumption for a given historic period. Organisations often have additional emissions sources.

For assistance calculating your organisation’s carbon footprint get in contact with us.

What does it mean to be ‘carbon positive’?

Becoming carbon positive means making a new set of choices that will deliver a cooler climate and deliver environmental co-benefits. It means going beyond carbon neutrality by making additional ‘positive’ contributions to the environment. This may be in the form of offsetting more than you emit, switching to 100% renewable energy, and/or protecting our old-growth forests and rivers. You can learn more about becoming carbon positive here.

As a business, how do I become ‘carbon neutral’?

To become carbon neutral, you must measure your emissions for a specific time period and offset this amount by purchasing carbon offsets. You are then, technically, carbon neutral.

In Australia, you can also opt to be certified as Carbon Neutral under the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard. To be certified by Climate Active organisations must:

? Calculate their emissions;

? Develop and implement an emissions reduction strategy;

? Purchase offsets;

? Arrange independent validation; and

? Publish a public summary of their carbon neutral claim. For more information on becoming carbon neutral (or even better, carbon positive!) contact us at [email protected] or on 1300 857 970.


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