FAQ - #hybridgrass #PowerGrass
Niko Sarris
Ideator of hybrid grass systems for intensive and safe play, reduced maintenace and positive environmental impact!
FAQ - Hybrid grass PowerGrass
1. Some think that hybrid grass is a cross between natural grass and synthetic turf and very often does not convince nor to natural grass lovers and even less to those entirely synthetic turf. How do you place the hybrid grass PowerGrass?
This statement has some true because, in the last 25 years, we have seen some mixed systems that have contributed to strengthen the natural grass stability and increase the hours of weekly use of the playing field. In fact, the most pleasing aspect of hybrid grass system is the feeling and playing comfort, almost equivalent to natural grass.
Currently we can identify 2-3 hybrid systems of the past that are more or less functional, but basically no one can offer a number of hours so high to meet the needs of about 1000-1200 hours of a sports club without damaging the natural grass and/or the system itself let alone where natural grass deteriorates (for any reason) offers a playable surface.
These are the main goals of hybrid grass PowerGrass that have been achieved thanks to theunique combination of four features, protected by 3 patents, which offer perfect symbiosis between natural and synthetic grass with mutual benefits.
- fixing ("tuft lock") strong and resilient synthetic fibers to the horizontal support (backing) is essential for brushing and grooming the synthetic turf during infill installation, thus raise and protrude the fibers 20-30 mm above the growth medium.
- The horizontal support (backing), subject of 3 patents, is open with 3D structure,so the macro-pores are interconnected over the entire surface with a different angle to allow the circulation of air in the substrate to promote the exchange of oxygen (O) with gases produced from the respiration of roots and microorganisms that feed on the organic matter and mineralize nutrients (CO), while the size and shape spaces or holes do not allow the sand to enter in order to maintain the internal properties of the backing; therefore the roots can penetrate the horizontal support from the first moment of growth.
- The backing is not biodegradable to keep its structure over the years and is made froma special network that does not unravel if punched to withstand multiple maintenance such as: deep tines aeration, grooming, dethatching, re-seeding, complete renewal (returfing) of the natural grass etc.
- The backing is elastic and very soft to prevent superficial hardening of the ground that reduces the player's comfort and root penetration. The integration of gentle cork, or evenfine rubber in the sand layer will provide a soft surface for players and less compaction in the growth medium.
By combining these features, the PowerGrass hybrid grass has achieved its objectives to offer the best of both components (synthetic and natural turf grass) because it combines the comfort and safety of natural grass with strength and reduced maintenance of artificial turf. This innovative combination in symbiosis also offers a duration of over 20 years because the synthetic turf reinforces the natural grass but at the same time is protected from premature aging from UV rays of the sun which results in additional savings for investors, for the environment and for the community.
We can therefore state that PowerGrass, is not the usual "middle way" between artificial turf and natural grass, let alone a compromise, but it is a best alternative to all that is now available on the market.
2. What does exactly PowerGrass than other sports surfaces in natural grass or those entirely with synthetic turf? What are its strengths?
PowerGrass is a hybrid grass system or rather mixed synthetic and natural grass, which provides a playing surface reinforced always practicable, even without the natural grass.The PowerGrass is the first system that combines the advantages of a synthetic grass field with great number of playing hours with the advantages of a natural grass field with more comfort and safety for players.
- Compared with only natural grass, PowerGrass provides greater stability to the players and intensive use of the field that meets the needs of almost all sports centers, significantly reducing the cost of routine maintenance by eliminating the holes restore operation.
- Compared with only artificial turf, PowerGrass offers a fresh playing surface, better ball control, less injuries and no abrasions during falls to the players, significantly reducing the cost for the replacement of synthetic turf aged by the sun.
- Compared to both, PowerGrass offers opportunities for best spectacular actions and savings to investors, contractors, groundsmen, to the community and is in line with the principles of the Green Economy.
The strengths of PowerGrass can be summarized schematically in most quality, safety and savings from the construction, the maintenance, the environment for an estimated amortization period in 20 years. The PowerGrass does not have an expiration date if it is cultivated on a regular basis and even in case of abandonment recovery is easy. In case of replacement, even after 20 years, the old sod can be re-used for training grounds, public parks, parks and private gardens.
3. What are the main application fields for PowerGrass hybrid grass?
PowerGrass has been studied to offer a better alternative to natural and fully synthetic turffor the construction of all types of sports fields in grass as for football, rugby and American football.
In fields with natural grass very often the winter climate or the microclimate inside a stadium is unfavorable to the development of the roots in depth that translates to poor tear resistance during the slide of the players, then facilitates the formation of divots. In PowerGrass natural grass grows inside the synthetic turf and roots anchor to the network of the backing; make it so the playing surface much more resistant and stable without the occurrence of divots formation.
In addition to the best quality and stability of the playing surface, the greater resistance etc., there are situations where PowerGrass solve problems where other sport surfaces are not suitable because the natural grass roots along with the network of synthetic grass aggregate all the materials in a single body obviating to hydrological risk caused by floods and waterlogging. This is particularly important for the realized fields near waterways and in areas at risk of waterlogging.
Another very important application is internal fields of athletics tracks because it allows you to form a high-quality field and intensive game without having to give up throwing the javelin, hammer and disc with respect to the realization of a fully synthetic field because damages are easily repairable and invisible from natural grass recovery.
Other applications are possible wherever it is necessary to reinforce the natural grass. Tennis, volleyball, field hockey, golf tees, polo, riding tracks as well as the green runs for aircraftare other fields of application if the budget allows.
In public parks is possible to realize a free play area without barriers becausePowerGrass strengthens the grass, without being removable because the roots are anchored in the ground. In the gardens, the reinforcement of the play areas, aroundswimming is another possible application.
4. What kind of savings is the PowerGrass hybrid grass provides, compared with other sports surfaces in natural grass and those made entirely of artificial turf?
The fields in natural grass built on natural soil need less maintenance than those built on sand based mediums but, the risk of postponement of the games is very high because no drainage system in natural soil can remove the water excess with rapidity. Playing under moderate rain is produced mud at the surface between the drains and the natural grass is gradually stifled. During a rainy winter it is easy to damage the natural grass for the excess mud and playing on wet ground, starts to form numerous depressions.
In the fields in natural grass built on sand based mediums according USGA or DIN standards, as is the case of modern stadiums, you can play in the rain without the formation of the mud, but the cost of maintenance increases especially because the cohesion of the sand is poor and the natural surface resists less to players' tears. During winter, the roots are shallow and it is easy to raise the natural turf forming of dangerous holes; the recovery of the holes significantly increases the cost of maintenance.
In the fields in synthetic turf with sand infill + coated rubber you can play in theory "always". The cost of maintenance is reduced compared to natural grass fields because you simply brush the infill with medium frequency 2 times a week, break up and clean the infill once a year by integrating a small amount of the rubber removed, but the amortization of the investment and the provision for the replacement of the synthetic turf system at the end of its lifespan is more expensive in the annual budget of the field.
In the fields in synthetic turf with sand infill + coated rubber + organic vegetable infill you can play with more stability on the ground that tends to simulate natural grass. The cost of maintenance is further reduced because the infill is more "stable", then brush once a week, but more maintenance is required to till the infill at least 3 times a year, the infill cleaning remains unchanged but the integration of the organic part is the most important expense and the total cost of maintenance is equivalent to a natural grass field while remains high the cost for the amortization of the field and the provision for the replacement of the synthetic turf system at the end of its lifespan.
The fields in the synthetic turf made with the infill entirely of organic plant material (coco peat, cork, rice husks, corncob, or pine bark) are currently the most expensive in the market system and the integration of the organic infill makes this solution less suitable if medium- and long-term savings is a goal to be pursued.
The cost of the hybrid field PowerGrass including the amortization of the initial investment, the provision for the replacement of the system by calculating conservatively twenty years, maintenance and water consumption, for the same number of hours of actual play, offerssavings up to 30% compared to a synthetic turf for professional use.
5. In comparison to other hybrid systems on the market, what is the place of the hybrid turf PowerGrass?
In the case of fields in hybrid grass or mixed synthetic and natural, the comparison with PowerGrass is clearly far from high maintenance costs of the hybrid systems of the past. Examining them one at a time, we can confidently say that no one has the unique combination of the four essential characteristics of PowerGrass to ensure a perfect symbiosis between natural grass and synthetic turf that allows the PowerGrass to offer a high number of hours of play, a long lifespan and reduce maintenance costs.
Some use closed supports or partially biodegradable and the roots do not breathe enough because gas exchange is limited, especially during the initial growth phase. Others fail to fix the fiber to the support so you cannot infill the growing medium raising the synthetic fibers above the surface. Others have rigid backings that cause the hardening of the surface. In some it is not recommended the frequent use of deep tines aeration in order not to destroy the system. Most of them offer a playable surface as long as the natural grass is in good health, but they collapse together with the degradation of natural grass.
PowerGrass has overcome the problems of the past. The confrontation over existing hybrid systems is evident even in the eyes of those who are not competent in the matter. The PowerGrass is the only hybrid grass system that offers itself as better alternative to entirely synthetic turf even in terms of durability and savings on maintenance.
6. How long can last PowerGrass than other sports surfaces with natural grass or entirely synthetic turf?
The natural grass field, if maintained regularly can last "forever" as long as you play a limited number of hours (up to 3 hours per day), respecting the natural grass during the winter period in which it grows less.
The synthetic turf field offers a countless number of hours during the playing season, placing the field almost always accessible but, has an expiring date not exceeding 10 years for Cool climates and 8 years for Mediterranean climates with acceptable quality standards.
The field in hybrid grass PowerGrass offers the real needs of the sports associations, up to 6 hours per day with good quality standards and a field always playable even in the absence of natural grass. At the same time with reduced but regular maintenance is possible to achieve "unlimited" duration but obviously we feel satisfied to reach 20 years of useful lifespan.
7. How does the maintenance of a field in PowerGrass hybrid grass?
Once installed the specific synthetic turf for hybrid grass system PowerGrass and the infill suitable for natural grass growth, the maintenance of the hybrid field PowerGrass is focused on natural grass maintenance that self-regenerates if cultivated regularly.
Many are concerned about the weekly natural grass mowing (about 30 times during the racing season in northern Italy) but this is equivalent to brushing entirely synthetic turf infill. However, you can now automated mowing with robot-gardener that works silently at night without consuming fuel and only needs a schedule, cleaning the cutting unit, and very little maintenance.
The most important interventions are the fertilizations and proper water management.We recommend about 8 fertilizations as needed allowing natural grass to grow regularly. The cost of fertilizers is limited and the application is simple; with a small rotary spreader the distribution is accurate and easy obtaining additional savings of transferring of external companies. The suppliers of products for turfgrass care almost always offer the consulting service for free to promote their products.
A couple of surface scarifications and some deep aerations with solid tines they balance gas exchange in the growth medium for a healthy and vigorous growth of deep roots.
Overseeding at the end of the championship increases the density of the lawn and reinstall the natural grass plants damaged in 6-8 weeks to face the next playing season.
Any costs for fungicide treatments used for natural grass is equivalent to disinfectants treatments for entirely synthetic turf against algae, bacteria, fungi and viruses.
8. How does the marking of the field in hybrid grass PowerGrass? It 's true that you can apply more sports in the same field?
The fields lines in the hybrid grass are not fixed as is the case in the entirely synthetic turf, so are painted every week where natural grass grows (about 30-34 times a year). To some it may seem like a hassle, but you can make the task easier with the installation of the white tufts in the corner points of the field lines and with the aid of a marking spray with non-toxic paint for the grass so you can review the original marking and tracing the field in less than an hour again. The cost of the material is negligible and the other side is an interesting advantage: the ability to trace the field even sideways for the football game at 7 or to other sports like the NFL and Rugby making the multi-purpose facility, although of course compliance with the minimum size allowed for each division and sport.
9. How to use the water for irrigation? What are the water consumption in PowerGrass than other types of grass?
The entirely synthetic turf just needs to be watered upon the thermometer indicates 22 °C, because the surface accumulates an excess of heat that causes early fatigue to the player. At the same time the wet synthetic turf reduces dust, it is more pleasant for the game, gives off less odor of rubber and is less abrasive to the skin of the player when sliding.
In case of hot weather use the field after 18:00 because the synthetic turf watering as we know lowers the temperature for only 20 minutes and at the same time offers a "sauna effect" during the evaporation of water.
The natural grass instead keeps fresh the surface providing better habitat for athletes and spectators without having to resort to 'watering every day. However, during the period of excessive heat (32 °C), grass must be watered every day but paradoxically, instead of moisten more, must provide just enough to keep the natural grass in life, that is, keep not more than 16% of humidity in the sand based growth medium. In this way the lawn is able to defend themselves from the summer heat and resume the vegetation when the heat passes. In warmer climates, the selection of grasses resistant to heat such as some varieties of Poa pratensis or Cynodon dactylon and Paspalum vaginatum offer greater resistance to summer heat.
Using an automatic irrigation system to 24 sprinklers, the consumption of an irrigation cycle natural grass to 7000 square meters is approximately 24 cubic meters, but the evaporation in the field covered by natural grass is much lower compared to a bare soil or to a synthetic grass field.
On the other side, also the synthetic turf requires irrigation to lower the temperature and make the ideal surface for the game. In fact, it is good to point out that the entire synthetic turf water savings is rather irrelevant if not greater because, if we had to meet the demands of the players, you have to irrigate even more than the natural grass field.
In PowerGrass the presence of a non-woven geotextile in the backing offers the opportunity to retain more water in the underlying substrate so it is possible to irrigate less frequently that facilitates even more root development in depth with consequent water savings compared to a natural grass field.
10. What's up with the changes in temperature? How does the PowerGrass in case of frost or heat?
The changes in temperature also procure serious limitations to the playing fields in entirely synthetic turf. For example, those with organic infill still fear most frost compared to natural grass fields because they retain an excess of water in the infill material, while rubber ones will overheat in the summer which is a strong limitation for the use of field during the daylight hours.
PowerGrass fears less frost than natural grass fields because the natural grass cover and the presence of non-woven geotextile in backing act like a "double blanket" that retains heat in the roots zone.
When the frost persists, you may experience a loss of coloration and a reduction in the density of the grass, but, in the spring, the natural grass recovery is quite fast while present in PowerGrass synthetic turf remains stable without disrupting the operation of game. However, to reduce the effects of frost, it is recommended to reduce humidity in the growth substrate and the hours of play when the ground is frozen.
Remember that the fertilization before the winter and the summer with potassium is crucial to maintain the green aspect and the turf resistant to foot-traffic and environmental stresses.
If a heating system is used, you can significantly save on calories needed to remedy the frost because the insulating effect of the nonwoven geotextile helps to retain heat. Moreover, the electrical heating system will reduce the use with actual needs on the basis of geographical area with a minimum maintenance system with easy on/off management.
Many think that the integration of synthetic turf to natural grass procures an increase in temperature. This is because some hybrid systems tend to collapse as soon as the thermometer exceeds certain limits, but this happens if the artificial fibers are lying on the surface or worse buried in the substrate in large quantities which provide a surface hardening and a reduction of air circulation. In PowerGrass, the fibers are in an upright position and represented 1.65% of the surface. We also use a backing very open which, together with gentle cork which increases the porosity of the sand based substrate, provides greater air circulation in the growth layer, greater water retention and insulating effect that allows you to mitigate the temperature changes during the day. The water management through automatic irrigation system and, if necessary, air management through a sub-air system enable to balance air/water/temperature in the growth layer.
Creative Director
1 年Hi, can this product be used for areas with shade or indirect lighting?
Ideator of hybrid grass systems for intensive and safe play, reduced maintenace and positive environmental impact!
7 年The field in Verbania is now facing the 5th season of play and the groundsman is quite happy to maintain easily that pitch. Castello del Matese and Grosseto became reality and will face a complete Generation (20 years) of playing seasons...
Pitches supervisor and responsable for professional grounds maintenance. Expert in Europe of warm and cool season grasses for all turfgrass fields, natural and hybrids. Greenery and landscape management.
8 年Hi. Do you need some help next year?
Ideator of hybrid grass systems for intensive and safe play, reduced maintenace and positive environmental impact!
8 年After the field of Castello del Matese (south Italy) last spring, another costruction started in Grosseto (central Italy) last week.