Fantasy, follow by EXAMPLE
Ursula K. Le Guin, celebrated fantasy and sci-fi author, dies at 88
“If you cannot or will not imagine the results of your actions, there’s no way you can act morally or responsibly,” she told The Guardian in an interview in 2005. “Little kids can’t do it; babies are morally monsters — completely greedy. Their imagination has to be trained into foresight and empathy.”
Ursulas e Guinn, died remains the Alpha for many of us, the begining.. May her journey of truth and story telling never be stffled by the ignorant inquisition, governed by political correctness, and the fear to tell it as it was and as it is, ribald, fantasic or otherwise For writers and dreamers have no Omega. Believe in fantasty and dreams, the stories that are plucked from the moments that emerge as we write, which are then cobbled together and read, if we are lucky by just the few, who believe in us, the WordSmiths