The Fantastic Spiritual Superhero -(Chapter 1, Verse 30)- The Bhagavad Gita
Q: Does the right action (dharma) have to wait for our calmness and composure to act?
AP: The right action, cannot be taken without trembling hands. It is these trembling hands that are an indicator that the action is, more often than not, right.
There is a notion created, to separate us normal humans, and all the godly figures (like Krishna, Rama, Buddha, etc), from us. We have started to think them as of distant creatures, a God, who is like a superhero and does all the work, without any hesitation or fear. We have added our long-fed Bollywood romantic fantasy, to even spirituality now. This is the reason, we give ourselves excuses that they are Gods, and they can do it. We are mere human beings, how can we do it? And do injustice to Dharma.
You are asking if I should wait for my trembling hands to stop, and then i will proceed with the right action. But I am telling you that, no right action can take place without trembling hands!
Yash: In my view, the right action is a result of the right decisions, even at micro levels. To take the right decisions takes guts and clarity. In this shloka, we can see Arjun is doubting whether he is making the right decision by fighting against his family. According to me, we all have Truth residing in our hearts, we know intuitively what the right action is, but that is overshadowed by the inner demons - kama, krodha, matha, moha, lobha, maya, matsarya, bhaya. The same can be seen here, Arjun is lacking the clarity of dharma (right action), as his inner demon, bhaya, and moha have come to overshadow his clarity.
Spirituality is all about learning to choose dharma (right action), over the demons. It is an art of war against the demons I mentioned above, and we will always be trembling in this war, as they will try to overpower us and we still need to fight against them. We cannot wait for our composure, as it is not going to happen.