Fantastic Rosary Meditations and Care for Creation
Mary Jane Miller
Iconographer and Author @ San Miguel Icons | Author, Teacher, Designer
The Rosary has been a principle prayer form used by the sick, those in need, and those in peril. Today, our Earth is sick, and she is in peril and needs our prayers. Christianity has tried to teach humanity how to be human for 2,000 years. The clergy have left little deference to the created order. We have left that in God’s hands. Hopefully my new Rosary Meditations and Care for Creation will be published soon offering Petitions and Supplications for Mother Earth.?
What the Popes have said…
On May 13, 2021, Pope Francis encouraged Christians around the world to pray the Rosary. He instructed believers to use the practice as an aid to better understand humanity’s place on the planet and in the world. He said, “The Blessed Mother’s intercession on behalf of Mother Earth can bring humanity to realize more deeply the love God bestowed on Earth for our benefit”.??
Pope John Paul II compelled Catholics to care for creation and to undergo an “ecological conversion” throughout his 27-year papacy. He often made time for outdoor recreation like hiking and skiing in his native Poland and elsewhere. In 2001, he said: “If we scan the regions of our planet, we immediately see that humanity has disappointed God’s expectations. Man, especially in our time, has without hesitation devastated wooded plains and valleys, polluted waters, disfigured the earth’s habitat, and made the air un-breathable. We must therefore encourage and support the ‘ecological conversion,’ which in recent decades has made humanity more sensitive to the catastrophe to which it has been heading.”
My response has been to write a New Rosary Meditation.
Everyone has benefited from the abundance of our planetary home, God’s gift to us. In ancient scripture, the book of Genesis opens with humanity being given the whole Earth into our care. Early saints like St. Hildegard of Bingen, St.Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Benedict, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Kateri Tekakwitha, St. Aquinas, and Teilhard de Chardin exalted the wonder of Creation.
It is not redundant or inconsequential to pray for God’s creation. Loving care for God’s gift is not a monumental job, it only requires awareness. When we ask why we are here, and how we are shaping our terrestrial home, our honest conclusions might feel uncomfortable. It is prudent to ask, “Have we been good stewards of this extraordinary planet?”?
Pray for Our Planet Earth
I hope the new text, Rosary Meditations and Care for Creation will help connect our hearts with the marvelous intelligence that has harmonized all of creation for humanity’s benefit.
The new Rosary Meditations are prayers stimulates the soul to become a receptive vessel, to make space to receive the in-pouring of Divine influence. Prayer and meditation are a time-tested method and tool for centering the mind. Our Peace and compassion are essential for us, more now than any other time in human history.??Through contemplating one mystery at a time, the depth of our adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, petition, and imagination is enriched.These five words have the power for healing our environmental crisis. Adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, petition, and imagination are urgent intentions for our terrestrial home.
God gave us his Creation as a gift to have and to hold. It is said, “He made it, maintains it, and sustains it.” I ask, “Does humanity have a responsibility to refrain from being a hindrance to Her sustainability and healthy existence?”
We are living in an era, time, and place that IS in a global crisis. Creation continues to nurture and replenish herself without resistance, even under the stress and demands humanity has placed upon her. But for how much longer?
If you are interested, send me an email, or subscribe go to my website for more information. My email is [email protected] Peace on the planet