Fans of Water are Measuring up
Are you a fan of water? What’s your level???
Pick a level and jump in…. Make a splash!
Care about water? THE WATER CLOCK is a Climate Fiction (CliFi) feature film starring WATER. Check out our Indiegogo campaign for more ideas to get involved. This is a ‘Call to Action’ for water protectors and water drinkers alike.
#1 GLOBAL COMMUNITY ~ Get our updates and eternal thanks. Everyone starts here. But there’s more!
#2 CHECK OUT FUN PERKS ~ Film related; even a walk on role! Your name in the film; shadow the director for a day; be a previewer.
#3 LEVEL UP ~ BE A SPONSOR; PRODUCER ~ Are you an influencer? Ready to bring your group or network into a bigger pool???
Modern science meets ancient wisdom. We’ve expanded on Water is Life to next level… Water is Alive. Help us bring this movie to life.?
“Water is all of our story,” says Seclearr. “When we join efforts and pool resources, we become leaders for Climate Action.”
Groups and projects are aligning with The Water Clock through social media and an affiliate tool called Kickbooster that allows anyone to earn 10% of funds raised through their unique link. Earn your Sponsor credit through Kickbooster. It’s easy!
What they're saying:
Read THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN: “Planned film ‘The Water Clock’ melds history, science, to portray water crisis”?
For more information, photos, or interviews, please contact: Sheila Seclearr at 505-629-4120 or [email protected]
Visit for more on The Water Clock and our team.
by Sheil Seclearr, Producer