Fanfiction- Kung fu Panda & Spider-Man
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Ghost Writing Project / Fanfiction
For years, the Valley of Peace has known nothing but…well…peace. These sacred lands have been guarded by a pair of legendary heroes, the Dragon Warrior, and the Spider Warrior. They were undefeatable and unmatched in their skill, and their opponents could barely even match up to them because their awesomeness was so potent that it would blind them. They joined up with the members of the Furious Five, Crane, Monkey, Viper, Mantis, and Tigress. Together, they were an unstoppable form of awesomeness.?
One day, that Spider Warrior will be me, Manuel Parker. The Dragon Warrior is going to be my best friend, Po. I walked through the valley over to where my friend Po was working.?
His rotund body seemed to collide with every table as he was passing out the noodles. His belly nearly knocked people over as he handed people their food. It was honestly really funny. Po worked at this noodle shop with his father, Mr. Ping. I always thought it was weird how Mr. Ping was a goose, and that Po was a giant panda, but I never said anything. I feel like it would be an insensitive thing for me to say.
I went into the back of the shop and put on my apron, grabbing as many bowls of noodles as I could carry and hobbled out the door to greet the hungry customers. It’s always a challenge to navigate the small openings between the table, especially with Po’s…rotundness getting in the way.?
A customer suddenly got up and knocked Po into me, which sent my dishes up into the air. Luckily, I was able to catch it with my Spider-Sense.
I guess that’s something I should mention right away.
A while back I was bitten by a radioactive spider, which gave me a bunch of powers like enhanced strength and the ability to climb walls. But most importantly, it gave me this sixth sense. It’s like I know what’s going to happen before it happens, I feel some kind of tingle in my mind and my body sort of just acts before I can even process what’s going on.?
I haven’t really told anyone about this, not even Po. To be honest I’m still trying to wrap my head about what I should do with this new power. I still have a long way to go, but I believe I can become the next Spider Warrior and be a hero like my uncle Ben, head guard of the Oscorp Prison.?
“So, Manuel, what are your plans for after we’re done with our shift?” Po asked.
“I was thinking of just practicing my moves by the river, or maybe sneaking over to the Jade Palace. What about you?” I asked.
“I don’t know, maybe just clean my figurines or something. My dad wanted to show me some new noodle making techniques so maybe I’ll do that.” He shrugged.
“Why don’t you just tell your dad that you want to do kung-fu? I’m sure he’d let you off from the noodle duty.” I asked him.
“I don’t know. He’s always been nervous when it comes to fighting so and is just really ecstatic about me joining the noodle shop. I just don’t want to hurt his feelings.” He explained.
“You’re a good guy Po, and I know you care about your dad, but you gotta stand up for what you want.” I told him.?
Before we could discuss about it any further, Mr. Ping came out, wings loaded with more noodles that he handed to me and Po. “No standing around, it’s rush hour! I just made a batch of my ‘secret ingredient soup’ for all of these hungry customers. I gave Po a knowing look and the two of us bumbled around trying to hand out the soup to more customers.?
Meanwhile, a red panda sat on the staircase of the Jade Palace temple, reciting a soft mantra to himself. His pupils slowly slinked around in the darkness, before pouncing on their master. In the flash of an eye, he was able to detect all of their presences, deflecting each and every one of their blows before separating himself from the group. “You all still have a long way to go. Tigress, I expect more ferocity; Mantis, more precision; Crane, more elegance; Monkey, more speed, Viper; more accuracy. And next time don’t make so much noise.”??
As he was disciplining his students, one of the temple staff came over. “Master Shifu, Grand Master Oogway has called for you.”?
Shifu nodded and instructed his students to continue their training as he rushed into the grand hall of the Jade Palace. “I came as soon as I heard the message. What’s wrong Master?” He asked.
“Why must there be something wrong for me to request to see you?” The old turtle asked as he gracefully descended from his ancient wooden cane.
“So, there’s nothing wrong?” Shifu asked.
“I didn’t say that.” Oogway said as he hobbled over to the myriad of candles that encircled the both of them. With a gentle breath he extinguished the first candle, then the next one, and then the next one.?
Eventually Shifu grew impatient and then extinguished all the flames with a single swing of his palm. “What is it that you called me here for?” He asked rather impatiently.?
“I had a vision, that Tai Lung would escape to wreak havoc.” Oogway said.
“But that’s impossible, he is in Oscorp prison. Norman gave us his word that Tai Lung would not escape.” Shifu said.
“There is an evil glint in Norman’s eyes. In my vision Tai Lung fought alongside a goblin cloaked in leaves.”
Shifu quickly summoned a messenger, instructing him to go to Oscorp Prison. “Tell them to double the guards! Double the weapons! Double everything! He must not escape!” He exclaimed. The messenger nodded and quickly flew away.
“It is time. I must choose the next Dragon and Spider Warrior.” He said, looking up to the ceiling. A magnificent golden dragon was wrapped around a ferocious spider, each with a single scroll locked in its mouth.?
“I will get the Furious Five ready.” He said as he quickly ran out.
As Po and I were continuing to serve the rest of the customers, some folks came into the restaurant and put up a poster on the wall. Master Oogway was going to choose the next pair of warriors! Excitement filled the room as everyone quickly eat their food and left the restaurant. Po and I were super excited too, but before we could leave, we were stopped by Mr. Ping.??
“Where are you two boys going?” He asked.
“To you know…go see the crowning of the new warriors.” Po said.
“You can’t go without the noodle cart. Everyone in the valley will be there!” He said enthusiastically.
Po looked over to me with somber eyes, and I gave him a look that just screamed ‘tell him the truth’. However, the big panda just sighed and nodded, grabbing the cart with him as we headed towards the Jade Palace.
Streamers, lanterns, and decorations of red and gold were everyone. Other vendors had already showed up to sell their food or other trinkets at the base of the mountain. We looked up at the thousands of steps in front of us, and then looked at each other.
With my strength it was easy to lift up the cart, but I couldn’t be too over dramatic about it. So, we slowly and painstakingly made our way up all of the stairs, but the time we got up the doors had closed, and the ceremony had begun.
“No! We’re too late!” Po cried out.
“Maybe there’s some kind of way around it.” I said.
“I don’t know Manuel; it looks pretty solid.” He responded.
I couldn’t climb up over the wall without Po getting suspicious. We tried a lot of things; getting on our tippy toes, climbing the nearby bamboo, and trying to vault over the wall. But nothing was working. On a last-ditch effort, we noticed a large cart filled with fireworks.
“We could use that!” Po exclaimed.
“Yeah, but that’s crazy! Who knows if that will even work!” I said.
“But we gotta try, this is going to be our one chance to finally see our heroes!” Po said. I could see the pure conviction in his eyes, and there was no way I could say no to that kind of energy. I let out a deep sigh and nodded, helping him attach a bunch of fireworks to a chair and then lighting up.?
The fuse grew shorter and shorter, until…nothing.
“Well, we tried our best. Let’s just head ba-” My comment was cut short by the fireworks blaring to life, sending explosions everywhere and launching us up into the clouds. I could see everyone’s eyes on me as we came crashing down and everything went blank for a moment.
?When I opened my eyes, I saw Grand Master Oogway looming over us, his fingers outstretched at me and Po. “What’s…what’s going on?” I asked groggily.???????????
Oogway helps the two of us up to our feet, “we have a new pair of warriors!” He declared.?
Po and I looked at each other in utter confusion. Before we could say anything, more temple workers came in and swept the two of us away to go to the palace. Looking back, I could see Master Shifu glaring at us angrily before turning to his students and mumbling something.
The temple was huge and filled with ancient paintings and artifacts from the earliest days of kung-fu. The two of us were like kids in a candy store, just gawking over all of the really cool stuff. My eyes were transfixed on the web gauntlets worn by the very first Spider Warrior, who had made them so his successors could swing around just like he could. I slowly reached out to touch them, but my greedy hand was quickly wacked away. We turned around to see Shifu standing there, looking quite upset.
“So, you two are the next pair of legendary warriors. A chubby panda and some scrawny kid.” He huffed.??
“Uh…yeah, I guess we are.” Po said.
“I’ve never seen a warrior so flabby.” Shifu said, striking Po with his cane. “Nor a warrior so thin and frail. Even Mantis has more strength than the two of you combined.”
“Hey, that’s not very nice.” We started to criticize him, but before we could get very far, he immediately grabbed both of our fingers. A sharp pain immediately went through our bodies, and I could barely even more.
“Oohh…the Wuxi Finger Hold, just take it easy there.” Po said.
“I’m not saying that Master Oogway made a mistake, but what I am saying is that by the time I’m done with you two, you’re going to wish that he had.” Shifu said as he released the two of us. “Follow me.”
We walked into a large room where the rest of the five had been training. Mantis was quickly striking each training dummy, Viper was evading every pillar of fire, Monkey was flying through hoops and rings, Crane was deflecting arrows while balancing himself on a large bowl, and Tigress was striking swinging wooden dummies, striking one with enough force to shatter it. Pieces flew everywhere, striking Po in the face.
“Whoa, that was awesome! You guys are amazing!” He exclaimed.
“Well, now it’s you turn.” Master Shifu said, pushing to two of us forward. I went first, carefully striking each training dummy. As they swung back, I felt a sharp pain in my head, I managed to duck and dodge the first strike, but in my eagerness, I got distracted and got hit with the other spiked arm, sending me flying and crashing into the bowl.
“You got one good hit in…I guess there is such a thing as beginner’s luck.” Shifu said, before turning back at Po. “Now you.”
“Uh…I don’t know if I can do all of…well that. Do you have a…you know…Level 0?” He asked.
“This is Kung Fu, there is no Level 0.” Shifu said.
Po went up to a small training dummy that was about half the size of him. “Well, what about this?”
“We use that to prop the door open, its only used for children.”
“Well, this is a good place to start.” Po said, hyping himself up. He threw a fist at the dummy, only for it to come swinging back and knocking him into the fray of the training dummies. He was knocked around, getting beaten and battered in places that made me feel his pain, before stumbling into the bowl with me.
“Well…looks like there is a Level 0.” Shifu said, knocking the two of us out of the bowl.
After hours of grueling training, we finally started our journey back to our rooms. But we couldn’t help but overhear the Five poke fun at us.
“Manuel, do you think we should be here?” Po asked as we were walking through the hallway.
“I mean, we were picked right? So, we should be.” I said, trying to convince myself of the same thing.?
“But you saw us out there. We sucked! At least you got a few good hits in.” Po said.
“I mean everyone has to start somewhere, right?” I said as I opened the door, thinking that it was our dormitory. To our surprise, Tigress was sitting there, meditating. “You shouldn’t be here,” she said with her eyes closed.
“Yeah sorry, wrong door.”
“No, you two shouldn’t be in this palace, you are a disgrace to kung fu. If you have any respect for us or what we do, you will leave by the morning.” She spat, before getting up and shutting the door. Her icy stare penetrated my soul, and really made me feel worthless.
Disheartened, the two of us went up to Peach Tree, trying to stuff our feelings down our gullets. “You know, sitting here eating together kinda reminds me of how we met.” I said.
“Oh yeah, you shared some of your food with me after the event and we quickly became friends.” Po said.
“Yeah…after that event.” Those words softly left my lips, if I said them any louder then the memories would have come flooding back.
“I see you two have found the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. You must already know that we come here when we are disturbed and seek guidance.” A wise voice called out. We turned around to see Oogway walking towards us with a pleasant smile on his face.?
“Oh yeah…we totally already knew that. We’re just…chilling and stuff, finding our guidance.” Po said.
“What troubles you?” Oogway asked.
“It’s just the Five are so amazing and talented, and I’ve always just been a fat slob. Maybe I should just quit and go back to selling noodles.” Po said rather dejectedly.?
“Quit. Don’t quit. Noodles. Don’t noodles. You are too worried about what was or what could be that you lose sight of what is. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” He said.
Po smiled and nodded, reinvigorating himself and heading down the hill. As I got up to follow him, Master Oogway got in front of me. “I sense a different darkness inside of you. It seems like something is eating at you the way you were eating those peaches. There is a secret you are hiding, is there not?” He asked.
“How did you-”
“You do not get to become this old without learning a few things.” He said.
“Well…there is a secret that I’ve been hiding. To be honest I haven’t really even figured it out and what it means. All of a sudden, I have these powers and I don’t know how or what I should do. All I remember what my uncle Ben said, ‘with great power comes great responsibility. But I don’t know what that means.”
“Your uncle is a wise man. Words are just letters put together; you can assign whatever meaning that fits your heart. Words are an expression of the heart, and they can only be interpreted at the heart.” Oogway said.
“I don’t think I get it, but that felt inspiring.” I said, heading down the steps.
The next morning, I was greeted to a large figure looming over me. “Ugh, who blocked out the sun?”
“Come on Manuel, we gotta train!” Po said, yanking me out of bed. I guess Grand Master Oogway must have really inspired him to try really hard. The two of us began doing some stretches, attempting to spar with one another, but in reality, it was more of us just flailing our limbs around.?
After a while, Master Shifu showed up with the rest of the Furious Five. “You’re…still here?”?
“We’re ready to begin our training!” We said in unison.
He let out a loud sigh but kept his composure, “alright, today you too will be sparring against the Five.” He instructed, stepping back to allow Viper to slither up with Mantis right by her side.
“Alright, let’s do thi-WAA!” Before Po could get all of his enthusiasm out, Viper immediately knocked him into the air and spun him around with only two strikes. “That was awesome!” he cried out.
Mantis immediately leaped at me, but he was so small that I could barely see him, so he managed to knock me on my feet almost as fast as Po.
One by one we sparred with the rest of the Furious Five, and every single time we got our butts kicked.
At the very end, Master Shifu challenged Po while Tigress stood to face me again. She stood with elegance and with power, I would be lying if I said that it didn’t stir something inside of me.?
Tigress immediately lunged towards me, fists ablaze. I was able to keep up with her, relying on my Spider Sense to tell me when to dodge and when to deflect her hits. At a certain point it became second nature. I could tell everyone was watching me with awe, but at a certain point even I couldn’t handle it anymore and she managed to defeat me.?
When I looked over, I saw that Po had already been defeated and had been watching me enthusiastically. Master Shifu looked at me and then turned back to Po. “At least one of you has some potential.”
After a long day of sparring and training, all of us were in the dormitories. Mantis was trying to help Po with some acupuncture, but it didn’t really seem to be helping. Tigress offered to give me a massage as a way of showing that she respected my ability to fight.?
“I didn’t know you were that good at fighting, Manuel.” Po said.
“Y-yeah…I had been practicing for quite some time. Although all I could really do was just dodge and deflect. I haven’t really practiced going on the offensive.” I said.
“Maybe I was wrong about you…” Tigress muttered to herself as she dug her paws into my skin.?
“But man, Shifu is an angry dude. I thought part of kung fu was about being at peace.” Po said.?
“He wasn’t always like that. He used to be a lot kinder.” Mantis explained.
“What happened?”
“Tai Lung happened.” Tigress said.
The sound of that name made my heart drop, no one but Po noticed, but he looked past it and turned to Tigress. “What do you mean?”
“Master Shifu found him as a newborn on the steps of the temple. He raised Tai Lung as his own. Tai Lung had a natural talent for Kung Fu, so Shifu taught him everything he knew about Kung Fu and trained him hard with the hopes that he could become fabled Dragon Warrior. However, when the time came to stand before Grand Master Oogway, he sensed darkness in Tai Lung and denied him the honor of receiving the Dragon Scroll. Enraged, Tai Lung went on a rampage through the village and attempted to take the scroll by force. Shifu tried to fight him, but was unable to battle his own son, Oogway was forced to defeat him by blocking his chi. After that, Shifu never cared for anything or anyone since, not even me; his own foster daughter.” She said somberly.
“Hey Manuel, are you okay? You look like you’re about to cry.” Crane asked.
“Yeah…it’s just that Tai Lung’s rampage brings back a lot of bad memories. You see, my uncle was part of a small team of people that attempted to stop Tai Lung while he was rampaging through the village. He had taught me many important life lessons and helped shape me into who I am today.
And Tai Lung killed him.”
Meanwhile, the messenger duck arrives at Oscorp Prison. It had been carved into the side of a mountain, with jagged edges and small holes in the face of the mountain that served as look out points. “State your business here.” The head guard said, pointing his spear towards the duck.?
“M-my name is Zeng. I come here delivering a message from Master Shifu.” He said, pulling out a scroll.?
The guard called another one of his co-workers over, handing him the scroll. “Lead this one to Mr. Osborn”
Zeng nervously followed the burly rhinoceros as he walked to through the dank hallows of the mountain. Everywhere he looked he just saw more burly guards glaring at him while gripping with their weapons or arm wrestling with enough force to snap his neck. He gulped and trotted behind the Rhinoceros until he was lead into an office with a man scanning through a lot of documents with a disheveled look on his face.
“What do you want?!” The man screamed.?
Zeng yelped and immediately hid behind the guard who trudged forward and placed down the scroll. “Mr. Osborn, this messenger came from the Jade Palace.”
Mr. Osborn grabbed the scroll, “What is this?! Beef up security, and replace the chief administrator? They want to replace me?!” He screamed, standing up.
“I-I didn’t know about any of this.” He said, slowly backing away. Zeng and the guard quickly left the room, the sound of Norman’s shouting growing louder and louder behind the door until it suddenly just cut to an eerie silence.?
“Hehe…looks like he’s finally done.” Zeng said.
Suddenly, the door exploded open as a large green goblin looking creature stepped out. The guards immediately started charging towards him, but Green Goblin knocked them away with a single swipe of his hand. The other guards loaded up their crossbows and immediately fired at the monster, but he simply flung some fireballs which burned them to a crisp immediately.?
He leaped off the side, falling all the way down to where Tai Lung was being held. He handed leopard a fragment of a horn, who used it to unlock the chi-blocking shell that was strapped onto him. “Who are you?” Tai Lung asked.
“A fellow agent of chaos. Now let us take our revenge on the valley.”
A flurry of arrows began to descend upon the both of them as the guards aimed and steadied their crossbows, firing more projectiles towards them. Goblin smashed the ground, making large boulders that Tai Lung kicked up to deflect the arrows. He then grabbed the huge crossbows that were fired at him and stuck them into the side of the walls, using them to bounce his way up the mountain with the goblin following suit. The two continued to climb upwards towards the exit, easily defeating every guard that opposed them.
“Blow up the bridge! Do not let them escape!” The head guard ordered. The fuses were lit, and multiple explosions were set off, causing the whole multiple to shudder. The bridge crumbled beneath Tai Lung and Green Goblin. Goblin grabbed Tai Lung and flung him upwards before using his tremendous strength to leap up after him. Propelled by the explosion, the flew into the array of guards, knocking them all out immediately with tremendous power.?
The large wooden doors were knocked down as the two of them strolled out of the smoldering remains of the prison. Tai Lung grabbed an escaping Zeng by the throat. “Let Shifu, and the whole valley, know that the REAL dragon warrior is coming home, and that he’s not alone.” He said, before tossing the bird to the wind.
Back at the temple, Po and I were making noodles for the Furious Five. While I worked on making the broth and adding all the ingredients, Po worked on preparing the noodles and making all the garnishes. We combined everything and then served it to the rest of the five. “Here you go guys, it’s not as good as my dad’s, but it’ll get the job done.” Po said.
“Are you kidding me? This is amazing!” Monkey said as he was slurping up his bowl.
“This isn’t as good as my dad. Cause he actually knows the secret ingredient.” Po said.
“You shouldn’t cut yourself so short, this is really good. Beats most of the food we have here at the palace.” Viper said as she blew on her spoon.
Po came up to me, handing me my own bowl, “You okay buddy?” He asked me. “You still shaken up about what we were talking earlier?”?
“No, I’m fine, I’ve just been thinking about stuff.” I said, not wanting to meet his gaze.
“It’s okay man. If you ever want to talk to me, just let me know. We’re best buds, I’ll always be here to listen to you.” He said with a great big smile. A big lump settled in my stomach. Po was always so honest and true with me, and here I was keeping secrets from him. What kind of friend would that me? I had to come clean with him, come clean with all of them.
“Po, I need to tell you something.” I said.
“Yeah sure, what’s-oh no!” Po tripped over some of the knocked over bowls, spilling his bowls and noodles into the air. Using my spider senses, I was able to catch all the bowls as well as their liquids and noodles.?
“Whoa…what was that?”
“Well, it’s part of what I wanted to tell you. A long time ago I was bitten by this spider, and then all of a sudden, I had these special powers. I didn’t know what to do with them, and part of me is still scared about it. But it’s what Uncle Ben always said, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’. So, I guess me coming here with you guys was the right move.” I said. Everyone looked at me in disbelief, so I knew I had to show them. I placed my hands on the wall, and I could feel it attack. As easily as I would walk, I began to climb up the wall. “Is this enough proof for you?” I asked.
“Wait, I remember hearing something about a masked individual stopping crime, was that you?” Po asked.
“Yeah, that was me.” I chuckled sheepishly.
“So, do you have a superhero name or something?” Mantis asked.
“Yeah, my name is Spider-Man.” I said proudly.
“Spider-Man huh? Interesting name.” Tigress commented.
As we were all talking and getting to know each other better, Shifu comes shuffling in, holding an even larger cane than before. “Tai Lung has escaped, and he is not alone.”?
“What do you mean he’s not alone?” I asked.
“He has been joined by another person who goes by the name Green Goblin.” Shifu said.
“Well, why can’t Grand Master Oogway stop him? He stopped him last time.” Po said.
“Master Oogway…” he somberly looked at the cane, which I realized had belonged to the wise old turtle. “He is no longer with us.”
We all felt chills run down our spines, and I could tell that Po was just about ready to collapse.
“Don’t worry master. We will defeat him, it’s what we were trained to do. It is our destiny.” Tigress said.
“It is not your destiny! It is his!” Shifu explained, pointing at Po. But when he looked around, Po had sped off.
Po nearly reached the steps that led to the bottom of the mountain but was blocked by Shifu. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m going home! There’s no way someone like me can stop Tai Lung or that Goblin dude. They took out the entire prison all by themselves! How am I supposed to keep up with that!” Po exclaimed.
“It is your destiny!”
“It was an accident! I just wanted to see my heroes, but then this ended up happening.”
“There are no accidents. Master Oogway chose you, and now I, as your master. Will train you.”?
?“You’re going to train me? You’ve been trying to kick me out of the temple since day one. I guess you finally got your wish.”
“Why stay then? You knew that I wanted to kick you out, so why did you still stay?”
“I’ve always been a fat slob. So, I thought that maybe the great Master Shifu could fix me. But how are you going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior?”
“I…I don’t know.”
Dejectedly, Po walked back into the Jade Palace.
From the temple roof, Tigress had been watching the whole ordeal. She gripped her fists tightly, taking matters into her own hands. She came back to where we were sitting, explaining the whole situation. “We’re going to fight the two enemies and save the village ourselves.” She explained.
“Am I included in this as well?” I asked.?
Tigress turned to me and nodded, “You have proved your worth. You still have much to learn, but we need all the help we can get.” She said.
“But I don’t know if I can go out there just as I am.” I said.
“I think I have an idea, follow me.” Monkey said.
We headed into the palace and went deep into the hall of heroes. Seeing all the weapons and armor going back to the founding of China. We walked back to where I saw a full body costume that belonged to the first warrior. It was a deep scarlet red with a black webbing pattern on it. In the center was the image of a spider with its legs spread out.
“This is the suit worn by the first Spider Warrior. It even comes with these small gauntlet-like things that you wear on your arms. It allows you to shoot spider webs out. They’re very strong so use them wisely.” Tigress explained.
I slipped into the suit with relative ease, almost like it was made for me. I could move freely, and it wasn’t super-hot or uncomfortable to wear. I shot out some sticky webs from the web shooters at the nearby ground and it happened practically instantaneously. This was it, my chance to finally prove myself as the Spider Warrior.
“Alright, I’m ready. Let’s go.” I said.
The Five nodded and we all headed out. They ran like the wind, leaping across buildings and ducking in an out of corridors. I tried running as fast as I could, but I was going to quickly be left behind, so I ended up using the web shooters to swing around and keep up with them.
Eventually, after a lot of traveling we arrived at a series of pillars with long bridges held together with nothing more than pieces of old frayed rope and creaky planks of wood. Looking down it seemed like the pit just went down forever, and if you were to fall off you would never return.?
“He will be coming this way, get ready everyone.” Tigress said.
Sure enough, shortly after we could see Tai Lung sprinting across the bridges accompanied by who I was guessing is the Green Goblin.
“Crane! Cut the ropes!” Tigress ordered. Crane did as he was instructed and severed the ropes, causing the rope bridge to sag and slowly fall down. However, with the speeds that Tai Lung and Goblin were running at, they would definitely be able to make it across. Tigress immediately launched herself towards them delivering a flying kick that Tai Lung was able to deflect. I chased after her, running across the rope bridge that now was being held up by the rest of the Five. As Tai Lung and Tigress continued to fight, I did my best to distract the Green Goblin.?
“Come on big guy, there’s no reason to do this. Why don’t we settle this over a bowl of noodles?” I said, dodging each and every punch like they were telegraphed ahead of time. The Goblin just growled as he continued to dash forward and unleash a flurry of swipes at me. I used my web shooters to stick his wrists together, which bought me a couple extra seconds to think and calm myself.
“You think something like this is enough to stop me?” He said as his hands started to glow a bright orange. The webbing started to bubble and melt before bursting into flame and falling off to the side. He cocked his hand back like he was getting ready to throw a baseball and then hurled a big lob of fire towards me. The first one came whizzing by me, but I was able to duck in time and avoid them. My Spider-Senses alerted me to the next one, which was near inches away from my face. I could feel it singeing part of my mask. However, the third fireball hit me square in the chest, knocking me back a fair deal.?
“Chill out hot stuff…” I groaned and got back to my feet, barely being able to dodge a swinging fist that shattered the wood beneath it.?
Meanwhile Tigress had been fighting a losing battle with Tai Lung. Each blow was to her disadvantage, and she would lose a little bit more ground. Eventually a strong strike from Tai Lung knocked her off the bridge, careening towards the abyss.
“Tigress!” I exclaimed jumping after her. I wrapped my arm around her and shoot out a web to grapple back to the cliffside.
Mantis held the ropes to the bridge as Monkey, Crane, and Viper sped down to fight Tai Lung and Goblin. They were able to keep Tai Lung at bay with a flurry of martial arts, but then Green Goblin would come charging in, forcing them to scatter.
Tigress and I went back in, I wrapped Tai Lung in a flurry of sticky webs, giving the Five some precious moments to knock him off the bridge. The blow made Mantis lose his grip on the ropes, causing the bridge to fall. The rest of us ran off and returned back to the cliffside, watching the two of them fall into the foggy depths below.
“It’s over…” I let out a loud sigh, relieved that it was finally over.
“No, wait. Look down there.” Monkey said, pointing to the bridge. Green Goblin had grabbed Tai Lung, who was using his legs to run around a stone pillar, gradually gaining speed before launching himself and his teammate on top of the Five and I.?
Tai Lung growled and stuck the pressure points of the Five, causing them to seize up and freeze. I tried to get in and stop him, but a strong back hand from Goblin was enough to knock me down. I got up, but before I could Tai Lung attacked me with another pressure point attack. A wave of electricity traveled down my spine, paralyzing my whole body. I could only move my eye, and the last thing I was the two villains looming over me.
Meanwhile, as Shifu was walking to the kitchen to get his morning breakfast, he heard a lot of noise and crashing coming from there. Peering inside he saw Po punching through the wooden cabinet with complete ease to grab a snack. Looking around the cabinets had perfect hole punches in their doors and a bunch of boards had been broken cleanly in two. Po noticed him, quietly trying to shove the cookies back into the cupboard. “I just a little cranky when I’m hungry…just ignore all of this.” Po mumbled.
“Oh no, it’s not an issue. I just thought you might like to know that Monkey keeps his almond cookies in that container up by the ceiling.” He said, pointing to a basket that was suspended on the ceiling by a strong rope. He then walked away, placing his ear to the door. After a second of clattering wood and pots being knocked down, he heard the distinct sound of chewing. He reentered the room, seeing Po doing a perfect split and chowing down on cookies. “How did you get up there so fast?” He asked.
“I don’t know, I just kinda did it.” Po shrugged as he continued to eat the cookies. “Don’t tell monkey about this.”
“In two seconds, you were able to scale up a sheer surface and do a perfect split…” He mumbled to himself before nodding silently. “Come Po, we have work to do.”
Po and Master Shifu become to walk up the many steps of the Wu Dan Mountains as the sun begun to fully rise.?
“Master Shifu…is this backpack really necessary?” Po groaned as he slumped up every step.
“In due time, all will make sense.” Shifu explained. After an excruciating amount of steps, the two finally arrived at the Pool of Sacred Tears.?
“You took me all the way up here to look at a pond?” Po asked.
“The Pool of Sacred Tears is where Oogway founded the origins of kung fu; and it will be where I, your master, will teach you kung fu. Po, are you ready?” Shifu asked.
“Yes!” Po exclaimed; his eyes full of wonder.?
Shifu opened up the backpack that Po had been carrying, taking out an entire table spread’s worth of food.?
“Are we going to be having lunch?” Po asked.
“This whole time I’ve been trying to train you like I trained the others, but now I see that was a mistake on my part. Since food is such a strong motivator for you, that is what we’ll be using.” Shifu explained.
Shifu begun his rigorous training regiment, using all of Po’s favorite foods to make him go that extra mile. He was doing sit-ups, push-ups, and pull-ups while trying to nibble on some dumplings; walking over hot coals and balancing on bamboo poles while holding multiple bowls of noodles; and practicing his concentration by watching Shifu move around rice balls under a series of bowls. Po showed a natural talent for kung fu, quickly picking up on all the moves and techniques that he was taught. Shifu could feel his own spirit rises and advance at Po's rapid improvement.
“You have a learned a lot. Now you may eat.” Shifu said, placing a bowl of dumplings down in front of the panda.?
“What? No 100-mile hike? No fighting? Just eating?” Po asked as he cautiously sat down.
“Yes, you’ve shown tremendous growth. Now you mat eat.” Shifu said.
Po shrugged and reached over to grab a dumpling, but it was quickly swiped up by Shifu. “What was that?” Po asked irritated.
“What was what? You may eat.” Shifu repeated.
Po hesitantly grabbed another dumpling, waiting for any movement by Shifu. He brought it close to his mouth but only bit down on wood.
“You may eat.” Shifu said mid-chew.
“May I eat?!” Po asked.
“May you?!”
The two quickly engagement in an increasingly energetic duel over the last dumpling. Punches and kicks went flying out in every direction. Po managed to deflect every single blow and attack that Shifu threw out, and after enough skill and utilization of his ‘rotundness’ was able to snag the dumpling at last. Shifu smiled at the growth of his student, but when Po threw back the dumpling he won, Shifu felt like he had truly advanced, with a newfound emotional strength and serenity.
They returned to the temple in high spirits, laughing and joking. However, the mood was promptly ruined when Crane flew in, carrying the rest of the Five as well as myself. “OH MY GOD! ARE THEY DEAD?!” Po exclaimed, running up to everyone.
“No, they’ve been paralyzed by Tai Lung’s chi attacks.” Shifu explained as he quickly hit the correct pressure points to rejuvenate us and grant us back our movement.?
“I’m sorry Master…they were too strong.” Tigress said weakly, steadily regaining their stamina.?
“Oh jeez, if the five masters couldn’t defeat Tai Lung, then how can I?” Po wondered.
“Because you two will have the one thing that they don’t; the scroll.” Shifu said, pointing towards Po and me.
All of us head into the Jade Palace, walking up to the two statues that held the scrolls in their jaws. In a single swift movement Shifu leaped up and grabbed the Dragon and Spider scroll, handing it to Po and I respectively. After a bit of struggling, the two of us opened.
Time seemed to freeze, the universe parted the heavens to display the sacred wisdom, and the wisdom that was on the page…
Was nothing
The scroll was blank. Nothing more than a blank, reflective gold glaze.
“Huh? Is this a prank or something?” I said out loud.
“Yeah, it’s completely blank.” Po said, showing the scroll to Shifu.
“I…I don’t know what to say.” Shifu said.
“I guess Oogway really was a crazy old man then.” Po commented.
“What do we do now?” I asked.
“Evacuate the village, everyone. I will hold off Tai Lung.” Shifu said.
“But you’ll die!” Po said.
“I created this problem, and now I must solve it.”
I tried to say something, be some kind of hero, but the words eluded me. I dejectedly headed back to the valley to evacuate the citizens with the rest of the Five. I could feel everyone’s sneers and glares as we guided everyone to the exit. Some hero I was.
I met up with Mr. Ping and Po, who were trying to move their noodle cart with them. “I’m sorry your dreams didn’t come through boys.” He said.
“I really thought I was destined for greatness.” I said, clenching my fist. I had been given these powers, and I couldn’t do anything with them. What good was I??
“Sometimes I can’t even believe I’m your son.” Po said somberly. “I mean you’re successful in what you wanted to do, I thought that would have extended over to me.” He sighed.
“Son…there’s something I think I should have told you a long time ago.” Mr. Ping said.?
“What is it dad?”
“The secret ingredient to my famous secret ingredient soup…is nothing.”?
“There is no secret ingredient. Something becomes special if people truly believe in it. This is true in life and in noodles.” Mr. Ping explained.
Suddenly Po had an astonished look on his face. He ran over to me and whispered the secret into my ear, and then suddenly everything made sense.?
“What are we going to do now?” I asked him.
“Tai Lung is going to go after the scroll. So, I’m going to head back to the Jade Palace. You stay here and try to stop the Goblin.” Po said.
I nodded and ran to get my suit as Po ran back to the temple.?
The doors two the palace swung open as Tai Lung stepped in, seething with rage. Shifu stood up, not daring to meet his former pupil in the eye. “I always feared this day would come. I curse myself for not preparing for it.”? Shifu said.
“I’ve come for the scroll.” Tai Lung said.
“You can have it after you get past me.” Shifu retorted.
The two exchanged blows strong enough to shake the whole foundation of the temple. Paintings clattered and vases toppled at the weight of each of their punches and kicks.?
“It is my birthright Shifu. You were the one who said I was destined for greatness! You were the one who pushed me to train day and night, honing my skills till my bones broke. And for what?! For some old turtle to deny me my destiny while you stood idly by?!” Tai Lung screamed.
“It was not my decision to make. It was Oogway’s decision, and I obey my master’s judgement.” Shifu said, fending off his adoptive son’s attacks. He swung hard, knocking the snow leopard to the side.
As Tai Lung got up, his eyes locked onto the small memorial made for the ancient turtle. “Well, it seems that there is a new master. So, you can overrule that old geezer and we can get this over with.” He said.
They continued their battle, trading blow after blow; neither of them gaining any ground, locked in a stalemate. “We’re sparring just as we used to, back when you loved me. Tell me how much you’re proud of me. Tell me!” Tai Lung wailed, his punches becoming more emotionally charged.?
Shifu continued to block each hit, but soon his emotional wall crumbled, allowing him to be struck by his son. He crumbled to the floor, too broken to rise once again. “I’ve…I’ve always been proud of you. I’ve been proud of you since the first moment. I loved you with all of my heart, but it was that love that blinded me from seeing what you were becoming. I was too caught up in my feelings to do right by you, and for that I am sorry.” He said.
Tai Lung stopped his strike, “just…just give me the scroll father.” He said, but then looked up and noticed that it was missing from the Dragon’s maw. “Where is it?” He asked in disbelief.
“The Five have taken it with them and scattered. You’ll never get it.” Shifu said weakly.
Tai Lung growled, cocking his fist back and extending his powerful claws. “SHIFUU!” He yelled.
“Hold it right there!”
Tai Lung paused, his claws only a few inches away from Shifu’s neck. What he found was a large panda, standing exhausted at the doorway of the temple. “And who are you?”
“Buddy? I’m the Dragon Warrior.” Po said before dry heaving a few times.
“You?” Tai Lung said in utter confusion, turning to Shifu. “Him? Is this some kind of joke?”?
“You tell me.” Po taunted, pulling out the Dragon Scroll. Before he could say anything else, Tai Lung lunged at him, sending the both of them tumbling down the steps all the way into the village. With each bounce Tai Lung got crushed underneath the weight of the tubby panda. They finally reached the bottom, to which they played an extensive game of cat and mouse, each of them eyeing the scroll. Tai Lung was shocked at the athletic prowess that the panda possessed, convinced that the scroll had given him some kind of power.
He tried his pressure point attacks, but they couldn’t get through his dense exterior. He tried to kick him away, but Po simply bounced off the wall and came careening right back. With a powerful fury he knocked Po into the air, landing blow after blow before sending the both of them careening down to the earth. Their furious clash left an explosive dust cloud, that sent debris flying into the air.
Meanwhile, I was waiting patiently for Goblin’s inevitable return. I was perched atop a tall building, scanning the horizon. After some time, my spider senses went off, and I saw him landing into the town square, smashing carts and walls. My breath got caught in my mask, but I pushed the fear and called out to him. “Hey ugly! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size!”
He turned towards me, snarling like a beast. “You again? I thought you had learned your lesson and run away by now.” He said.
“A true hero never backs down from a fight.” I said, gripping my fists tightly. “I was given these powers for a reason, and it’s my responsibility to use them to help others!” I exclaimed proudly.
“Hmph, talk is cheap.” He spat, hurling a large fireball at blinding speeds towards me.
I took in a deep breath, feeling time slow down around me. I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the side, feeling the flames singe parts of my mask as the fireball moved past my head. I whipped two webs, using the motion to lunge forward and kick him square in the chest. Goblin tumbled backwards by a few feet, but then quickly stabilized himself and charged towards me with his fist cocked back. I flipped back just in time; his fist slammed into the ground and created a small crater. I didn’t have any time to think about it as he sent another fist straight into my chest, knocking the wind out of me and causing me to crumble down to the floor.
I struggled a bit to get up and then shot my webs at the nearby debris, swing them around and then launching them at Green Goblin. “Let’s switch it up from MMA to dodgeball.” I said.
He didn’t even bother dodging them, but simply incinerated them with his fireballs. “How amusing, I will also play along.” He said, launching a volley of fireballs at me. I leaped and ducked and rolled around all of them.?
“Is that all you go-” My victory taunt was cut short by Green Goblin lunging straight for me. I crossed my arms in front of me, allowing them to take the brunt of the force. The claw strike tore my suit and launched me upwards onto a random roof. “Ugh…hopefully Po is having an easier time.” I mumbled, getting back up and getting back into the fight.
Tai Lung crawled out of the crater, triumphantly holding the scroll. “Haha! At long last, my destiny is in my hands.” He said. However, his joy quickly turned into despair as he saw that the scroll was completely blank. “What? Where’s the information? The secrets to eternal power? What did you do to it?!” Tai Lung screeched.??
“I didn’t get it at first either.” Po said as he slowly got back up. “There is no secret. The true power was inside of you all along.” He explained.
“You expect me to accept that stupid answer? After everything that I’ve done? After everything I’ve sacrificed?!” He screamed as he leaped at Po, consumed by rage. His now uncoordinated attacks simply rebounded off Po’s stomach, leading him to only get hurt in the process. “How could this be? How could I have lost to a stupid, big, fat panda?!” He yelled, pointing at Po.
Po grabbed his finger, placing it into the Wuxi Finger Hold with a smirk. “I’m not just A big fat panda. I’m THE big fat panda.” He explained.
“The Wuxi finger hold…”
“Oh, you know this hold?”
“You’re bluffing. Shifu would have never taught you such an attack.” Tai Lung said.
“Yeah, you’re right. I figured it out.”
A magnificent wave of raw energy resonated throughout the valley, reaching the Five, who had been leading the refugees into the hills. The Five head back into the valley, and as soon as they saw that he had defeated Tai Lung, Tigress, and the rest of the Five bow down to Po, calling him master. “Master Shifu!” Po exclaimed, running back to check on Shifu
He found Shifu lying still, barely breathing. “Shifu! Are you alright?” He asked.
“Po? Am I dead?” Shifu asked.
“No, I did it. I defeated Tai Lung.” He explained.
A small smile spread across his lips, “you’ve done well my student. Thank you, you have finally brought me inner peace.” He said, closing his eyes.
“No! You can’t die! There’s still so much you need to teach me!”?
“I’m not dead. I’m just resting.” Shifu said.
“Oh…” Po murmured, before a dawning revolution hit him. “Manuel!”?
My back hit the side of a building with so much force I’m surprised my spine didn’t shatter like the wall did. My suit was torn and tattered, and I could barely see due to my face getting all bruised and swollen. I was relying purely on instinct at this point, dodging whatever I could. Eventually my luck ran out, and Goblin grabbed me by the head. “Say goodnight Spider-Man!” He laughed manically.?
After everything I had been through, I was still not strong enough. Po, Tigress, everyone…
I’m sorry.
“Flying Panda Kick of awesomeness!”?
I saw a figure of black and white fly in, kicking Goblin away.
“Are you okay?” I heard Tigress’s comforting voice as she grabbed and helped back to my feet.?
“You guys have great timing. Another second and I was a goner.” I chuckled.
Goblin looked at everyone that had surrounded me, all my friends and allies that I had gained since I started my journey and sneered. “You got lucky this time, but I’ll be back and next time you won’t have your friends to save you.” He spat as he quickly absconded.
“Thank you…everyone.” I said as adrenaline stopped pumping through my body, and I lost consciousness.?
I slowly opened my eyes, trying to get a sense of where I was. It looked like it was the dormitories, but it wasn’t my room, nor was it Po’s room. “Where…where am I?” I hazily called out.?
“You’re in my room. I’ve let you rest here.” A familiar voice called out.
“Yes, how are you feeling?” She asked, sitting patiently by my side.
“Got a killer headache, but I’m surprised I’m still alive.” I chuckled. “I still need to continue my training though.”
“How would you feel about training…together?” Tigress asked.
“You mean as sparring partners?” I asked.
“No, I meant as something…a little more.” She said rather sheepishly.
“What do you…oh…” A small blush spread across my cheeks. “Yes, I would like that.”
Tigress and I held hands and walked to the noodle shop together, where the rest of the Five and Po had been sitting around.?
“Hey Manuel, how are you feeling?” Po asked me.
“Rested up, ready to take on everything.” I smiled.
“I’m glad to hear that.” Master Shifu interjected. “Because this is where your training truly begins. Tai Lung may have been defeated, but the Green Goblin still lurks and could return at any moment. You must all prepare.” He instructed.
“Yes master.” I bowed, with a shining beacon of hope in my chest. I may have been defeated once, but I’m not going to let that happen again. I want to become someone that everyone can rely on, someone who can carry the name Spider-Man with grace.
Someone that Uncle Ben could be proud of.
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