Fanfare, For The Common Man
Beauty sleep would have to wait.?
Yes, I was meeting a boyfriend’s mom later that day. Yes, I was worried that circles under my eyes would show fatigue. Yes, I wanted to make a great impression for his birthday at his family's restaurant, a restaurant my own family only reserved once for a special anniversary.?
Yes, I chose to wake up early with my Mom instead.
She’d asked if I’d like to join her for one-on-one time and a tradition, if I'd like to get up early with her to watch William get married. As the middle of three, way past my teen years, this was awesome. She had woken up early to watch England’s Charles get married, she said, and wanted to do the same again. And because mom’s mom swore that Kate reminded her of me, despite many personality differences, today was a nod to grandma as well.?
The wedding was beautiful, yet I wouldn’t have thought to watch it unless asked. It was the time I spent with mom that mattered, tradition and mom.?
I know of one other person who watched that wedding, despite its global popularity. This person married a best friend. She is the only person I have tea with, too.
When I was interested in film, back in my mid-teens, I had read material on the everyman. The uncommon common man. I loved satiating my own interest in stories of the common man and often wondered if the screen did a better job than some books. I’d consider Grapes of Wrath as a classic and on the screen, for instance. I also was interested in playing around with editing, just on my own, not in some school club. When a Freshman year project popped up, we edited fairy tales. I set the project to a song I really loved from a movie I really loved, It Could Happen to You. It was well-received, because everyone loves Disney. This was also the year I felt compassion and empathy for two boys who had lost their mother, in front of the world, and would have to publicly grieve with an institution hovering. I never considered them to be anything except two boys around my own age, my own equals, nothing more, and that hasn’t changed.
The common man, the everyman, remains a story favorite. And there is nothing commoner about the common man.
Despite an affinity for animation, I didn’t share an affinity for princess or queen dress-up. Actually, I don’t know anyone in play circles who did. And growing up, we never used those words for ourselves. Perhaps this is because we were fortunate to grow up with, not after, Disney hyped us into believing we should aspire to monarchy. I’ve worn one dress-up crown that I can recall, that of the treasured Burger King kind. The BK was chronicled as good humor after my social media introduction, when I won big at the arcade. I have no animosity for the titles, I just never had interest.?
The afternoon of William’s wedding was delicious, cheerful, and surrounded by the gorgeous wood interior that I’d remembered. Despite a few differences in upbringing, that boyfriend’s family was such a great fit. They were so gracious and sweet. Everything that had been shared through my paternal grandmother’s grapevine was true: they were incredibly kind and his mom was wonderful. It was easy to love them, and I do love them. Coupled with the morning’s tradition, it became one of my favorite life days.
The years semi-forcibly removed this boyfriend from my daily life, yet the years intimately introduced me to other governments and leaders. With extra time on my hands for the foreseeable future, I chose to get to know others around the world. Know them as best possible through their social media, at least.? It has been a privilege to get to know these countries.?
In the consideration of other countries structures with hierarchies, I’ve been mostly contemplative. And, mostly interested in healthcare. Still, the two truths to be acknowledged are authentic.?
One truth is that of the United Kingdom’s Queen. Obviously, words cannot summarize her remarkable work. I always valued and appreciated her, and I don’t know anyone in my personal life who felt the opposite. Even as the dichotomy between rephrasing monarchy as public service should be questioned, we witnessed one who sacrificed all her life’s time to her country. There will never be another Queen Elizabeth II.?
The first truth is that I always knew that we were conditioned to save the term “the Queen†for reference to the United Kingdom’s royalty. I never understood just how imbalanced this was for other countries until I got to know them on social media. There may be validity with reserving the term “the Queen†for geopolitical allies or closest of ties. There is no validity in the media’s preference for public soap operas and drama, however. There is also no validity in the public’s appetite to prove royalty perfection false by consuming the drama. Further, this media consumption has conditioned us to ignore other royal families, as well as soften our stance on superiority titles. Introduced to other countries with royal families, I began to appreciate other royal families for their social grace. Because of online media, and their visibility on Twitter, I understand just how imbalanced our world is. And the imbalance is rocked heavier when we consider the continued social conditioning of royalty as normalcy. Perhaps this imbalance has been allowed because of the media, or geopolitics, or because of tradition and mum.
The second truth is the reality of equality. Though every aspect of the world holds opportunities to improve equality and equity, I was raised to know that I am equal. My gratitude and affection for the UK royal family’s contribution to global healthcare and online teams remains. Should we ever meet, I would not treat them as someone who has birthright privilege. Aside from traditional respect, the same was true of their Grandmother. And because of the deeper intimacy, I do not feign hierarchy. Therein lies the actual kinship and actual respect.?
To keep a balance where imbalance might creep, I respectfully share the same message for other borders. As a global team continues in assembly for better healthcare, the actuality of equality may seem distant to those in other countries. After all, online relationships are quite different from standing on another’s soil. And, organizing a government for better healthcare is different than truly believing that one’s fellow citizens are equal.? Conversely, some may feel it unnecessary to message equality. The fact that I am equal, the fact that no other government has privilege over me, nor privilege to my private unpublished life, is reinforced just the same. Each of us has a few inflexibilities ready for the elements. My equality to the world’s people, all of them, is one of those unbendable truths that the winds cannot break. There is no inner active muscle given to this, it just comes naturally.?
In reality, appeasing royalty is different than respecting cultural differences. If a country prefers to maintain royalty because royalty declares that the people love them, then take a public vote in periodic intervals.?
To me, those gifted with the incredible wealth of a free life have some responsibility in walking the walk. Even in familial or romantic love, this responsibility remains. Had a long lost family heritage pulled me from these borders, I would not touch a crown. I would happily watch Princess Diaries instead, and then ask the family to join me in advocating for a Deborah Sampson motion picture. Had I fallen in love with a royal title, I could not accept one for myself. I’m not sure how American Revolutionary soldiers would feel about Meatloaf; I am sure that I won’t do that.
I am 100% sure.
I will remember the UK’s Queen as one who shaped and developed an institution that cared for our collective healthcare passions. I will remember her as one who’s institution had compassion and encouragement for me. I will remember her as one who allowed her institution to be cheeky with me sometimes, and I loved this shared humor. I will remember her as a Chicago orange and blue fan. And, I will remember her as one who understood in her heart that I knew I was her equal. I wish I could’ve introduced her to Portillo’s or Nardi’s pizza (John’s if still around, though the recipe may be at the Pyramid club). If you find this sentiment cute or endearing as a commoner, I find that you haven’t conditioned the right muscles.
I do not know why Disney ignores the American Revolution in major animation and children’s motion pictures. Disney goes out of its way to ignore American values, even crowning a princess in the state of Louisiana. I do not know why Hollywood ignores it in the dramatic war portfolio saturated by WW2. I find this cringeworthy for the entertainment industry, and I am specific out of respect. Cultural conditioning and cultural change regarding royalty hierarchies are collective efforts beyond my scope. They are heavily influenced by the media. They are heavily influenced by the way we use royalty words. And, they are likely influenced by the way we disregard the American Revolution in stories.
Many things have changed as I’ve grown older. Affinity for the common man has not changed. A love for Simple Gifts has also not changed. And, I still love the common waitress's volunteer lotto partner.
For other Americans skimming the page, please remember my words: we don’t have a Motherland, we have eachother. And that’s enough.
Aside from spirituality, there is no written word more beautiful than the Declaration of Independence. We don’t need to get corny and cliche to honor democracy in our daily life. We don’t need to get forceful and disrespectful to other countries as we reaffirm democratic values. And we don’t need to hide it behind cultural conditioning, especially when so many all over the world look up to democracy. Walking and talking democratic equality honors our past, present and future, and honors those who sacrificed for us. We can represent it even as we share respect and gratitude for the compassion and kindness of other countries. We can infuse it into our daily actions, alongside the common man, and we can even infuse it into traditions with mom.
Should I ever find that the love of my life has gifted me a room full of books in his home, I’ll be sure to add a few on our United States life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Let the truth show in my words and in more than words, in my circles and in my eyes.