Famous? ...I would never ever consider myself to be famous. in my mind I'm still the poor kid from Fresno, CA and although I am listed on certain websites as being a celebrity I truly believe it must be computer generated and or a mistake.
With knowing that I have been in some A-list circles and or been interviewed on talk shows from time to time. I was always thinking it was only because of the association of clients and or productions I was casting for. The reason I speak of this ...I was informed yesterday from a local network channel producer that they had been contacted by someone trying to verify me coming to a lake nearby Fresno CA.
This person apparently was trying to do some in person networking and or just get in front of me for possible "discovery" for a feature film on which I'm the exec. producer. Now, I have given this advice to many clients when it comes to being in public and interacting with paparazzi.... be available at all times, be courteous, accommodating...as if you are in the entertainment industry it is just good PR.
What I found very nice was the producer of the local network channel KMPH26 was so pleasant, professional and was just incredibly nice. She gave them only a response basically that should would not be confirming me being in the area as this was my vacation time with my family.
Most in Hollywood would be on the phone to the nearest person at TMZ or the likes to give out the details....
To be clear I am always available to just about anyone who is trying to get ahead in the business. I also wanted to say that I am extremely impressed by the professionalism of this producer.
M. Reed of KMPH you are truly a great producer.
Many thanks,
Rod L. Harrell
Business Owner
9 年Great read please be careful especially in the film industry. Excessive drug use child pedophiles, model explotation run rampant. So many people I talk to want nothing more than to become famous. As if some talent scout will notice them, take them away to fame and fortune. They fail to understand the deep dangers of being famous. Once you are in that industry people instantly want to be your friend. Party with you get introduced to people to further their own agenda. You can't tell between your real friends or of your being exploited for your talent or your body.
Nice read, Rod!