A Family Side Hustle - Who Knew!?!
With so many people suddenly working from home we are seeing an amazing uptick in couples choosing to have an extra home based side hustle that they can both work on. It allows them to have a tax write off, each put their energies into it making the work load smaller and a way to assure they have an income no matter what. This makes me happy because my goal has always been to teach others how to work from home and make their own schedules.
One of the main things I hear is how great it is to sell something tangible. This is an old school sales business. There is no recruiting or pyramid levels. You sell something and make 30-40% on the sale. They also love that it is business to business sales - you never have to ask your friend to take out her wallet to buy a necklace. All sales are through a business budget. Phew!
I wanted to share this new market with you so you know that there are options for your family to have an additional income from your house - together. Shouldn't the goal in life to be together? Choose a family side hustle today to assure your families tomorrow.
Heather Bryan ~ Wife, Mom, Entrepreneur, Founder, Jupiter & Company.
[email protected]. www.jupiterandcompany.com