A Family Review of MacGyver
New MacGyver; Grandpa MacGyver

A Family Review of MacGyver

About a year and a half ago, we were on vacation...and there was a broken bathroom. The fix-it-guy was using duct tape, a coffee can, a tissue box, and gravity to save the potty. Our Spanish was horrible. His English was worse. "Que pasa?" we said. And he answered "MacGyver" (but it sounded like Macgeeever.) And thus was born a new family obsession.

Over the last year, we have watched over 100 episodes of the original show. Yep. We are big big fans.

Why we Love MacGyver

MacGyver is one smart dude. With some sunglasses, nail polish remover, and a lightbulb he proved the growers were using an illegal substance on the grapes. One time, with a hospital needle and some tubing, he made a blow dart to take out the bad guys! He can catch a fish with just a bubble gum wrapper! Our kids think this guy is awesome.

Mom likes that MacGyver never uses guns. (Correction from 9 year old: well, sometimes he uses parts of guns to make cool contraptions.)

Its a kid-friendly show. No boobs. No cursing. Some good lessons about friendship, family, and having a non-quitting spirit. (Warning: my 9 year old didn't like the kissing scenes in those very early episodes.)

Also, worth noting that some big careers started on the original show: Cuba Gooding Jr, Teri Hatcher, and Mayim Bialik (as the rich kid "Lisa") all had recurring roles.

Does the New MacGyver Honor the Original?

Yes. It seems this new (Friday night on CBS) MacGyver is the grandson of the original, Angus "Bud" MacGyver. He carries a pocket knife like the original. His hair is a bit too long like the original (but no mullet.) And he still doesn't like guns. (Mom is bothered by the new MacGyver's mole on his neck and thinks he should get it checked by a doctor soon.)

Some of the old beloved characters are in this new show. The kid favorite is Jack. The Phoenix Foundation is still MacGyver's employer. Spoiler alert: Murdoc is one of the recurring bad guys.

One thing that is new? Technology! The show has integrated modern technology by introducing a new character: Riley. She "hacks all the tech stuff" says my 9 year old, but its nice to see all the non-computer stuff is still the most important part of the show.

So, Which MacGyver is Better? New or Old???

Surprise twist ending!!!! We actually like the new show more than the original. (Except Dad. He prefers the nostalgia. But whatever. The other 3 of us prefer the new one...)

Jack is really funny now. Its nice to have other characters besides just MacGyver. He is no longer solo. "He really works with other people--and we like team work," says the 9 year old.

The new women characters are awesome, says our 11 year old daughter. For example, the new Pete Thornton is Patricia Thornton...and she is smart and kicks butt. She runs the Phoenix Foundation. (9 year old chimes in: And even one of the bad guys is a girl bad guy...and is smart and tough.) The original shows had some women characters too but they were lame, whiney, not useful in a crisis, and wore impractical shoes.

In the first few episodes of this new version, they include captions on the screen explaining the gadgets. That was really helpful. Because we like learning the science stuff. We hope they keep doing that.


Our hope is that the new MacGyver never jumps the shark like the old one. Like, no flashback episodes, please. No dreams. No UFO episodes (like season 6, episode 10. Ugh. That one was a big disappointment.) And, please, no Christmas angel storyline this time.

One request? Richard Dean Andersen, we miss you! Please make an appearance in the new series. MacGyver's love of his grandfather was really awesome in the original (except for the episode when he died and Mac broke out of heaven...oy. That was another jumped shark moment.) We're hoping for Mac and his grandfather Mac to build a bomb together soon.

Mark DeVore P.E.

Facilities Management Professional

6 年

Thanks. Big fan as well. It's the engineer in me.

Cindy Birdwise

Leader Organization Renewal

7 年

I liked the first version as the actors were inventive and creative with the writers and props but it felt possible. I saw the new one once so it's too soon for me to compare.


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7 年

Saludos a todos los Internautas. Soy inventor de tecnologías de gran importancia para la producción de energía eléctrica sin uso de combustibles, la cual está recién inventada y patentada, e inscrita o registrada en el PCT (Tratado de Cooperación de Patentes), la cual le confiere protección en todo el mundo. Busco, inversionistas a los fines de terminar el segundo prototipo que debe ser Electrónico, Con PLC y pantalla digital, de modo que esta que ya opero en forma mecánica, pueda hacerlo por a?os consecutivos, ya controlada electrónicamente, incluso desde un celular. La potencia que esta invención pude generar, está proyectada a fabricar diferentes tama?os, desde 3 KVA hasta los 5 mil KVA, y puede ser mas, luego de estudiar la disponibilidad de productos en el mercado mundial (como Generadores eléctricos, compresores de aires), y eso lo van a definir las pruebas en desarrollo, pero puedo garantizar de 500KVA en adelante. Esta invención no requiere de combustible alguno, no depende de fuerza Eólica, Solar, Geotérmica, Undimotriz, Electrolisis, Imanes, Electrolisis, Digestores ni energía Nuclear, pero las supera a todas estas, por el bajo costo de generación, ya que no requiere de combustibles. Pueden llamarme al Celular +18498657175, WhatsApp, y desde luego abundare en detalles. Se puede instalar dentro de un edificio, en su sótano, como en su terraza, y en el tanque primario de agua (la presente trabaja por diferencia de presión Agua/Aire), este sirve como piscina o de cría de peces, y esta invención tiene una peculiar condición, y es que, el aire al ser tomado de la atmosfera, esta lo devuelve Frio y limpio, y mediante una resistencia, puede ser caliente; es decir, propulsa aire limpio frio o caliente, para los diferentes épocas del a?o. No sé qué más decirle, aunque se, pero no quiero cansarlos, porque ustedes tienen la capacidad de análisis y aplicación, ya que al ver el video y la foto, sabrán más de esta. Si usted no tienen dinero no importa, puede promocionar esta, y sería mi representa promotor en esa nación (en la que consiga inversor o inversionistas), y eso le proporcionara sumas buenas de dinero, y a su vez, ser un ejecutivo representante en la empresa, y pueden asi, y quedan plenamente autorizados a hacer esta promoción a nivel mundial. Espero, que los afortunados sean algunos de ustedes, y ya saben cómo es la vida del inventor, todo lo invierte, y luego sale a pedir prestado; ahora Yo sin dinero, solo promociono y busco socios inversores que pueden ser socios en la invención, siempre y cuando inviertan en esta invención, patentada en la república dominicana y ante el PCT. Toda inversión, el inversionista puede junto a mi supervisar esta, y claro está, se suscribe acuerdos Notariados y apostillados entre nosotros. Suerte a estos y a ustedes. Dr. Akram el Nimer Vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAOr2pYf-YI Link de mayor información; https://www.facebook.com/notes/abou-asis/atenci%C3%B3n-nasa-astronautas-empresas-fabricantes-de-drones-aeronaves-carros-tracto/422021178148678/ https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/inedita-y-%C3%BAnica-invenci%C3%B3n-para-la-generaci%C3%B3n-de-sin-akram


Your idea We Deliver : We realize your Product from Design to R&D until the end Manufacturing for you

7 年

I'm a huge fans too and I watched this series since in the high school, I even have the CD collection of the series at home right now.

odri seva

Declarator #thehumanrighttobehealthy, Guidance Counselor in TECH-WORK Volunteer Collaborations, Author

7 年

Thank you, Nancy.


