Family Physicians in Canada!
Merrick Global Talent
We specialise in providing highly qualified Medical Staff to both clinics & hospitals worldwide.
For years Canada has been seen as an excellent alternative to life in the uk for not only doctors but Brits in general. Now however, it is becoming a reality for many doctors with rules and process being made simpler.
Making the move to Canada can offer doctors more financial freedom
While the financial side of relocating to Canada is very lucrative, it shouldn’t be the only reason you are making a move. Similar to relocating anywhere. In Canada, you will have more time to spend with family, spending time either outdoors at the lakes, mountains and beaches or enjoying the bigger cities it really does have something for everyone.
So what does it take to get there?
As a qualified General practitioner Family Physician with MRCGP, MICGP, FRACGP, FACRRM, American Board Family Medicine you would be eligible for the Canadian board CFFP. *must be via vocational training*
What this means is that you would be exempt from having to complete the CFPC Board exam, giving you CCFP by comparability of training.
The process of obtaining a license in Canada
For more information on the positions available and how to complete the licensing process please contact me on 0131 385 0101 or at [email protected]