Family Needs Urgent Help: Special Education Bus Driver and his Family in Dire Situation

Family Needs Urgent Help: Special Education Bus Driver and his Family in Dire Situation

Facing unexpected obstacles is a part of life, but the weight becomes unbearable when each hurdle becomes insurmountable. The phrase 'Family needs urgent help' has never resonated more than it does for the Busby family today.

The Unfortunate Situation

Ellery Busby, a Mississippi boy who grew up in Mapleton, OR, is a hardworking special needs bus driver for the Bethel School District. His role has always been to provide stability and support in the community, but today he and his family find themselves in dire need of the same.

They received an abrupt eviction notice after only 2 months of residing in their new rental home, requiring them to vacate their current rental residence by the 20th of September 2023. The homeowners' unforeseen decision to move back has left Ellery, his wife Connie, daughter Andrea, and granddaughter Mira in a vulnerable state. With the threat of homelessness hanging over them like a gloomy cloud, they find themselves in a state of desperation. Can anyone imagine the stressful situation the Busby family is currently in?

Adding salt to the wound, medical obligations resulting from Connie’s cancer treatments have stripped away all their savings. Andrea (a Florence Oregon native), a widow, and single mom, has worked hard trying to start her own business and began working for the Bethel School District part-time, however helping support her family and overcome the struggles of being self-employed have greatly impacted her finances as well. All of this has left the Busby family with scarce options.

When taking into account these heart-wrenching circumstances, doesn't it feel right to rally behind this family in need?

Family Needs Urgent Help: How Can You Support?

Your contribution can be a beacon of hope for the Busby family, helping them secure a home during these trying times. Consider contributing to their GoFundMe campaign, every cent counts. Could you think of a more meaningful way to make a difference?

It's time for our community to act as a safety net. Every donation, regardless of its size, brings them one stride closer to a secure future. One where they can focus on healing and rebuilding. Together, can't we keep this family from experiencing homelessness?

Conclusion: Stand With A Family in Need

Eric Hoffer once said, "We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future." In a time when the Busby family is bracing for a storm, your support is more than just a generous act - it's a lifeline. Stand with Ellery and his family. Let's transform the phrase 'Family needs urgent help' into 'Family found help'. After all, at the heart of every community is a deep sense of shared responsibility and compassion, isn't it?

The journey towards a secure future for the Busby family starts with a single step - will you take it?



