Family Member Uniqueness
Well, I am honored to have my amazing family. They ‘all’ do great things for me so to exclude just one thing or to choose who to pick would make no sense. I love all of my family members equally and it would be horrendous to say ‘so and so did this for me and I really appreciate it’. I appreciate all that they all do for me holistically. The Gomes family is what I represent so I cannot single anyone out. I know we all do one hundred percent for each other and we all go that ‘extra mile’.
Also I am beginning to incorporate the island of Antigua more in my activities because that is where my family is ‘really’ from. So I currently have my focus on ‘figuring out’ the island more. I was raised however on the island of St. Croix, but currently reside in Ohio. Still though I rather look at the source of my ‘blood line’ and take it back to Antigua. I am super excited to be introduced to my ‘real home land’ and see what ‘treasures’ are hidden there. My family though operates as a whole and though I have many stories I would not single out any one as being ‘better’ than the other.
It would take me writing like a book or the sort to get the whole picture of my family members because everyone’s perspective is important and all of those perspectives individually should be treated like New York Times Bestsellers. I cannot possibly do that (currently). At least not in this ‘space’ and plus I would have to gather the information and then process it; plus have it written and published. I mean if you want me to do that (that bad) I wouldn’t mind, but what is the return on all of that work (and for all of my family members efforts)? I would be exhausted, but it would be worth it. Thank you so much for reading.