Family life during the pandemic

Family life during the pandemic

3 months ago I would have never thought we would be in the situation we are all in today. Social distancing, home-schooling our kiddos, many of us working from home, not to mention those who have lost their jobs, have made this time especially stressful. Has the stress intensified in your home? Although someone under your roof may be getting on your nerves during this pandemic, think of those who have no one else under their roof at all. I'm guessing that if you're stress-free then you must be one multi-millionaire who obviously had huge investments in Charmin toilet paper and Purell hand sanitizer or you could just be a fruit loop after being thrown into home-schooling your little nuggets. Whatever your circumstance is we can all use helpful suggestions to minimize our stress during these tough times.

  1. Ask your loved ones in your home, "How can I help you? How can I show you extra support or provide encouragement to you?" Be loyal and fulfill your obligation once they respond. Tensions can also arise when partners are unsure of how to cope with the virus itself. For example, one adult in the household may feel an ultra-hygienic approach is merited, but their partner may be less supportive. Learn to negotiate, regardless of the disagreement. Take turns, flip a coin, everyone can make a sacrifice.
  2. Be a good model for your kids. Our kids are experiencing a pandemic also, and we need to remember to check in on the status of our kids mental health. Kids are resilient, but being young does not exclude them from anxiety. Parents can be more reassuring to others around them, especially children, if they are better prepared. Be a good role model, take care of yourself, eat healthy and practice good sleeping habits. Avoid destructive habits and find the fun in being together at home. Children may misinterpret what they hear and can be frightened about something they do not understand. Try to keep up with regular routines. With schools being closed, create a schedule for learning activities and relaxing or fun activities. Be their role model. Take breaks, get plenty of sleep, exercise, and eat well. Remember children will do more of what you do and less of what you say.
  3. Add playfulness and come together. Try to inject a little playfulness into your home. Play hide-and-go-seek, have a nerf war, put balls throughout your house and throw them around. Puzzles and board games as a way for a family to focus on something other than the pandemic. In our house, we as parents even play Mario Party. Even if the game is not your favorite, go ahead and play it. Sitting down as a family for meals is part of the process of opting between being flexible and sticking to a routine. Sitting down as a family for meals is part of the process of opting between being flexible and sticking to a routine. While living in a tight space, we can learn to relax about things like a messy pile in the house but recognize the comfort routine gives. Try to stick to rituals like eating dinner together and to check in as a family at the end of the day.
  4. Make a connection with others and nature. This can be a total mood boost. Pick up the phone and start calling friends and have a phone date. Seek connection, you can create a Zoom group, and assume whatever you need, everybody else needs. We all need human connection. Be the change you want in the world. Being outdoors is a natural antidepressant that can be healing. When you are outside on a nature walk or a bike ride with your kids your attention turns to the natural world. That internal focus, which is the problem with anxiety, shifts outward and now you can get out of your own head. If going outdoors is not an option for you, make that connection with a family member or friend, it can help shift your focus.

Snow Potts

Account Rep @ Reliable Paper Your family-owned source for... ~Facility & Janitorial Supplies ~ Restaurant & Catering Supplies ~ Safety & Warehouse Supplies ~ Gloves ~ Shipping & Packaging Supplies ~ Office Supplies

4 年

Love it and some great tips. Thank you for sharing.

Ester Horowitz

Master Business & Client Development Leader Experienced Working in Innovative & Disruptor Companies Achieving Growth Goals Thru Sourcing & Closing New Business Including Developing & Experimenting New Markets

4 年

Everyday I acknowledge what I am grateful for. Most especially my health. Everything pales in comparison to having good health to participate in life.

Waseem Ghannam ??

MD MBA MHSA | Co-Founder and CEO of After Hours Urgent Care

4 年

I have a 10 year old and a 7 year old, this was them yesterday with their friends. I told my wife the other day, when in our life will we ever get this amount of time with our kids so let's embrace it and make it the best we ever can so we will remember this time when we are older For me, I am fortunate to have a home office and they have their playroom. They still get their studies done, run around the yard and enjoy being kids. At 5pm, I'm typically mentally drained so I will hang out with my kids for a couple hours (swim, boat, basketball, jet ski, trampoline) something to just get my mind off things, have dinner with them and just reset. I then can put a couple hours in at my desk finishing up emails and goals for the following day. IMO it’s all about time management and setting objectives/goals for the day

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Gene McNaughton

President of Geobear USA, the first US subsidiary of the world's largest geopolymer injection engineering company

4 年

Beautiful article written by a beautiful person!


