Family law?is a versatile field that deals with all the areas which comes in the ambit of marital relation of spouses. The termination of relationship between the spouses is trauma for the spouses therefore one need helps from the expert family lawyer to deal with the issues arise after separation. Family law deals with all the issues arising between the spouses, though such issues are arose during the subsistence of marriage or even after the tie of marriage is broken between the parties.
There are following areas which are dealt in family law:
1. Dissolution of marriage
2. Dower.
3. Maintenance.
4. Restitution of conjugal rights.
5. Custody of children [and the visitation rights of parents to meet them].
6. Guardianship.
7. Jactitation of marriage.
8. Dowry.
9. The personal property and belongings of a wife and a child living with his mother.
10. Any other matter arising out of the Nikahnama.
o?Laws that deal with Family matters in Court of Law:
? Muslim Family Law ordinance 1961
? West Pakistan Family Court Act 1964
? West Pakistan Family Court Rules 1965
? Dissolution of Marriage Act 1939
? Dowry and Bridal Gifts Act 1976
? The Christian Marriage Act 1872
? And so on.
? Christian Marriage and Divorce Act 2019
? Powers of Family Courts:
The judge of a family court has wide range of powers is does not only exercise the powers of the family judge but it also acts as Magistrate whenever there appears cases of Offences and aid and abetment thereof under Section 337A (i), 337F (i) 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 352 and 509 of the Pakistan Penal Code (Act XLV of l860)]