Family Fu@kery, Aruba, Job Upset God
"When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, There's just something about you that pisses me off."
Sunday morning, 9:00 a.m., I slept in after a night of debauchery with some friends. We ate, we drank, we laughed, we did what older adults do when getting together with other older people, we had a blast.
Our friends have a beautiful home, something you might see in a magazine. They cook amazing meals, complete with perfect wedge salads, beautiful, perfectly cooked steak, and sides you might see on a cooking show. We joked that when they visit our little house, we will cook fish sticks, mac and cheese, and tots. They are doing Keto, real Keto, not some half baked I’ll have a carb now and then Keto, but zero carbs, the meal was fantastic, we might jump back on the Keto train after taking a few months off.
I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you, there you sit just waiting for my acknowledgment and I’m stuck in sharing my story about last night. So, how are you, did you sleep well, the coffee is in the kitchen, I know the views here in Indiana are not what we have in Colorado, but the kindness of the people make up for the view, get a cup of joe and let’s chat.
I talked to my doctor friend about the China outbreak, he was not concerned, I think it’s something to keep an eye on, but I fear I might have worried you the past couple of days, don’t worry, be happy. I had a friend reach out about another V.W. Bus, her friend was selling it, I asked for photos and pricing, it’s a beautiful van, but they want 30K, I paid 5K for mine, has the market changed that much in 4 years? Maybe I should sell my bus and reap the profits? Kidding, I can’t sell our bus, it’s a part of our life, it would be like selling one of our kids.
We were sharing some stories about some recent events in our family, some clunky relationship issues, they too shared their family clunk, and we decided to co-write a book called family fuckery. I think most families have issues; it might be nice to have a book about those issues, but also lessons to be learned. We’ll start on that project soon, if you have a family story you would like to submit, you might make it into the book, but please change the names of the guilty to help protect the innocent.
I think it will be a labor of love, I have quite a few stories myself, our core family is fine, no issues, but get out one circle, and we have some things we can talk about, I have stories that would blow your mind and I am sure you do too, so let’s work together and let other families know, they are not alone, most families are a little dysfunctional.
Anyway, it’s Sunday, a day of rest, and rest is what we will do. Yes, we have chores, but don’t expect a lot of production from my Queen and me, we do need to run to the office to prep for some meetings this week, I think we are grabbing lunch with one of her friends, it will be a casual day with a lot of laughter and accomplishment, I’m going to swear off drinking until we arrive in Mexico, my liver called, and she needs a break.
I think we might be going to Aruba; our friends have a home there, we checked flights, we can get down there for about $450.00 for both of us round trip at the end of February, I’ve not been, my Queen has been a couple of times, we will be heading down for a few days, with our friends, never forget, work hard but play harder. The timing is poor, we are going to Mexico next week, but they have a home, our cost is minimal, and we can work from anywhere, why not work from Aruba?
Well, that’s it, I need to tap out, I have my chores that need attention, I have my work that needs complete, I have a Queen that needs love, and I am ready willing and able to meet her loving needs. Make sure you take time to say thanks for that last breath you took, thank something bigger than yourself you could take that breath. In fact, every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you.
"When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, There's just something about you that pisses me off."