Family first: Walking in our women’s shoes
The ever-so-demanding role of our women takes an extreme toll on their health during midlife. It seems as if they aren't what they once used to be! Many a time, they can’t express their health concerns and worries. And the result is often the helpless tears and outbursts of anger.?
In my previous article, we discussed what Menopause and midlife health entail for our women. Today, I’d like to delve into the role of the family in a woman’s menopausal phase.
Most of the time, the family dynamics are affected severely. If you’re wondering what happened to the loving woman you once knew, do not fret! Menopause affects different women differently. As her family, we ought to empathize, listen and support her during such testing times and have each other’s backs, for if not us, then who?
There are several ways to help her and make this transition smooth. Let’s see how.?
Awareness - the way forward?
The first step is awareness - the why. As her immediate family, we can take that little step to find out what Menopause is and how it affects our women during midlife.?
Our experts at Elda Health consider this paramount. Know that you aren’t alone or that she isn’t alone. It’s a natural phase that every woman goes through. It could be confusing, but all is not lost.?
Empathy - the endearing quality?
As her family, we can walk in her shoes, for a mile, if not more. A little empathy goes a long way! It could be as simple as “I get you, I’m here for you” that can make a world of a difference. Maybe she has frequent hot flashes or mood swings that could put you on the edge. But rather than reacting to her apparent erratic behaviour, just letting her know that you understand and care, would definitely make her feel better.?
Menopause matters - telling her that it’s okay to feel the way she does and normalizing the situation can help immensely. Sometimes, all she needs is your time - a non-judgmental ear, an understanding heart and a shoulder to lean on.?
Patience pays!
It’s easier said than done, yes, but the frequent mood swings and the erratic outbursts often come from a place of helplessness. She feels estranged within her own body and mind. As her family, we could try and stay patient through it all, which can go a long way in alleviating her already extreme mood swings.?
Practice grounding techniques like counting down to ten and you will find that you’re able to see things with a better perspective and that can help salvage the much-needed harmony in your family.
Explore interventions - seek help?
Many of us may not be aware, but there is help available. Knowing that she need not endure everything by herself is a huge first step.? Seek medical counsel and explore lifestyle interventions that would help ease her symptoms. The experts’ advice and recommendations provide a sense of relief.
Consistency is key!
Like every other health outcome, consistency is key to ensure that results (in this case, managing symptoms) are visible. You could be her accountability partner and motivate her to do better. We all need some motivation at times, don’t we?
Encourage her small wins. After all, they’re significant.?
Help her track some of her symptoms and you’ll see how they improve over time.?
She - our lady, our pride
She could be your mother, your wife, or any woman who has played a significant and loving role in your life. It’s time to pay it forward by being there for her when she needs it the most!?
At Elda, we believe that no woman deserves to suffer in silence. Our holistic, expert-led programs and the app are designed to be your guide to midlife and Menopause. Our compassionate experts are just a click away!?
Let’s change the conversation around Menopause - let’s take a moment to pause and listen.