Family First
Jack "ASLAN" Hornsby
Founding Member&Executive Director w/John Maxwell Leadership CertifiedTeam/CEO Aslan Enterprizes
Family First - John Maxwell / -
As a priest, Eli mentored Samuel; however, Eli's failure to lead his family eventually led to his downfall as a religious leader. This revered judge in Israel failed to discipline his two sons and ended up rearing spiritual rebels. Eli lost his credibility, his job, and eventually his life.
The Scripture teaches that if we do not faithfully lead our own household, we lack the qualifications to lead beyond the home. In other words, if it doesn't work at home, don't export it. How could a priest like Eli miss the mark? By making some crucial errors.
1. Emphasis: Eli emphasized teaching his colleagues and clients, not his family.
2. Expectations: Eli thought his sons would "get it" just because they lived in the house of the Lord.
3. Example: Eli failed to live out in his home what he taught in his work.
4. Entanglements: Eli got so caught up with his profession, he blinded himself to his failure at home.
Excerpt from The Maxwell Leadership Bible
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