Family Business Leaders: Find the Motivation to Move Into those Difficult Discussions
Kirsten Ross Vogel, MHRLR, SPHR
I Eliminate Friction & People Problems for Successful Entrepreneurs & Leaders | Family Business | Teams Running on EOS | Municipalities | Nonprofits
Too often we avoid the tough conversations.? Our Amygdala, that Lizard Brain that works to keep us safe, shouts out lists of excuses that feel like valid reasons for avoiding the discomfort. They can feel like facts. However, in working with family businesses for more than 30 years I can tell – rarely are these reasons facts.?
Here’s a few of the most common “Reasons” I hear…….?
Reasons & Excuses that Feel Like Facts?
·?????? We’re Fine?
·?????? We’re too Busy?
·?????? We Love One Another?
·?????? I don’t Know What I Want?
·?????? It Will Never Happen Anyway?
·?????? We’ll Do Future Planning Soon?
·?????? I Don’t Want Them to Be Mad at Me?
·?????? No Need to Rock the Boat-All Will Be Fine?
·?????? We all Get Along Well – We’ll Work it Out Soon?
Recently I had a Next Gen family business leader tell me, “We’re all Getting Along “
I knew their circumstance and swiftly identified the disconnect between that statement and reality. ?And, worse, visualized what this delusion/denial could mean for the business in the future.
Visioning for growth and a legacy that lasts often means disagreements, hard discussions, and difficult decisions.? Meetings can get messy and if you are ALWAYS getting along, there is never negotiation or discomfort, fear is likely the winner as you find reasons to avoid rather than dive through the friction.
Which got me thinking about an important question to ponder. You’re getting along…BUT….. at What Cost??
·?????? Assuming Rather than Asking?
·?????? Frustrations Not Addressed?
·?????? Ideas & Innovations Not Heard?
·?????? Personal Goals Not Shared?
·?????? Decisions Made w/o Input?
·?????? Boundaries Created??
Take a moment to think about your leadership team and business. Are you moving through the messes or avoiding them? What is building in the wake of your complacency?? I urge you to work on open and honest communication.? And then have the discussions, make the decisions, work out the differences before life hands you circumstances you didn’t anticipate.? It is exponentially simpler to take action while NOT in crisis or conflict.?
?Need help building better communication or overcoming friction?? I’ve been helping people just like you for more than 30 years.? Grab a spot on my calendar and let’s chat.? Go here