A smile that displays false teeth, beneath all needs,
With it, life is full of unfathomable risk,
The clothes you put are expensive by default,
Everything you do is considered as the right way of life,
You were denied of privacy, even when you spit,
stories have been written to the nation’s hearing peak,
Your decision is always with another plan,
Everyone will want to receive your autograph per time.
That was actually the shadow of yourself, what of your real self?
Your profile is known but no one knows the origin of your life,
Crestfallen kept discovering the chasm of your aim,
Social medias flourishing in redundancy while posting fake moment.
You couldn’t run away, you couldn’t start again maintaining a fading name,
Thinking of the next action that will make wave amidst the dangerous race
Expressing exotic bitterness is like telling a story of hope,
You aren’t living a normal life, your loneliness is like an unwritten paragraph with a full stop.
Be careful in all you do, if you can’t frame your fame,
Be on the alert by what shame brings to indict your name,
You need to know the ability of your identity,
Hence you won’t be able to absorb the gravity it brings.