False Cognates: The Most Common Mistake Mexican Professionals Make When Speaking English
Paul Heller
English Proficiency Specialist for Mexican and other Spanish-speaking Professionals| Native English speaker| ESL Teacher| US, Mexican, and Canadian Intercultural Communication Expert| IELTS, TOEFL Coaching
Host (On-Screen): Welcome, everyone! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of false cognates—those tricky words that look similar in Spanish and English but have entirely different meanings. Now, you might be thinking, "I've seen videos about false cognates before," but hold on! This one's special. Most videos cover common mistakes made by beginners, but we're targeting advanced English speakers, particularly Mexican business professionals.
As someone deeply involved in language education, I've observed a common pitfall among advanced English learners: false cognates. These are words that seem innocent at first but can lead to humorous, awkward, or even confusing situations.
The inspiration behind this video? Necessity is the mother of invention. Unable to find a comprehensive video addressing the nuances Mexican professionals might encounter, I decided to create one myself.
So, let's explore some of the most commonly misused false cognates by advanced English speakers, unraveling the subtleties that might catch even the most proficient language learners off guard. Now, imagine consulting a dictionary, confidently selecting a word that seems familiar, only to discover that using its apparent English counterpart results in sentences that sound stilted, comical, or, at times, entirely off. It's a linguistic maze that requires finesse to navigate.
Host (On-Screen - Additional Commentary): Let me share a personal anecdote. Back in 2012, during my time in Mexico, I encountered political signs proclaiming politicians' "compromiso" to the people. My initial reaction was a chuckle, as in English, this would imply a compromise, an agreement reached after hard negotiation. Little did I realize that the intended meaning was a commitment to the people.
Similarly, seeing signs stating that someone was "comprometido" to deliver something sparked confusion. In English, this could be interpreted to mean that a politician is compromised by someone, implying some questionable dealings. The beauty is that, even when our use of false cognates sounds stilted or comical, the message often still gets across.
Section 2: Lectura and Sanidad: Cognates that Have No Similarities in English and Spanish
That said, while some false cognates, like "comprometido" and "compromiso" are complicated, others are fairly easy because they have completely different meanings in English and Spanish. Two advanced English examples snapped quickly to mind: lectura and sanidad.
Host (On-Screen): "Lectura" means reading in Spanish, but in English, a lecture is a "conferencia" or "una clase".
Example - Spanish: Host (On-Screen): Me gustan la lectura, pero no me gustan las conferencias. (I enjoy reading but do not like lectures.)
Host (On-Screen): "Sanidad" means health or public health in Spanish. In English, "sanity" is translated as "cordura" or "razón mental."
Example - English: Show relevant image or animation Host (On-Screen): Maintaining your sanity is crucial when you work in public health. (Mantener tu cordura es crucial cuando trabajas en la sanidad pública.)
Section 3: The Most Common Mistaken False Cognate Used by Mexican Professional: Compromiso y Comprometido
Probably a couple of times a month, I hear either my students or someone in the business world in Mexico use the English words "comprise" and "comprised" incorrectly. Here is an explanation that will clear up how to use these words correctly.
Host (On-Screen): "Compromiso" is not a compromise; instead, it is a commitment in Spanish. A compromise in English is an agreement reached between two parties after negotiation.
Example - English: Host (On-Screen): Business negotiations require a compromise between two parties, not just a commitment to getting what you want. (Las negociaciones comerciales requieren un esfuerzo para llegar a un acuerdo, no solamente un compromiso de hacer algo.)
Host (On-Screen): "Comprometido" usually means engaged to be married or committed in Spanish.
However in English, like Spanish, "compromised (comprometido)" can also mean having doubts about someone's trustworthiness or the weakened security of a situation.
Example #1 - Engaged: Host (On-Screen): Estoy comprometido a mi novio. Vamos a casarnos en Junio. (I am engaged to my fiancé; we are going to get married in June.)
Example #2 - Compromised: Host (On-Screen): The spy was not compromised by the enemy; he was committed to his country. (El espía no fue comprometido por el enemigo; estaba comprometido con su país.)
Section 4: Cognates with Both Similar and Different Meanings in Spanish and English
Host (On-Screen): "Manifestación" in Spanish usually refers to a demonstration or rally. However, it also has a similar meaning to the English "manifestation" in the sense of an event, action, or object that embodies something, such as a theory or an abstract idea.
Example - English: Host (On-Screen): The conservative Republicans had a big demonstration to protest the college professor's insistence that the melting of the ice caps at the North pole is a manifestation o global warming. (Los republicanos conservadores tuvieron una gran manifestación para protestar contra la insistencia del profesor universitario de que el deshielo de los casquetes polares en el Polo Norte es una manifestación del calentamiento global.)
Host (On-Screen): While "importante" usually means the same as "important," there is a nuanced difference. In Spanish, "importante" can also be used in the sense of something grave or large. Example - English: Host (On-Screen): Es una herida importante. Necesitas ir al hospital. (That is a serious, grave, or considerable wound. You need to go to the hospital). You could not say that is an important wound in English, in this case.
Una Carrera:
Host (On-Screen): In English, "una carrera" does not refer to something you study at a university or college like it does in Spanish. We usually call what we study in a University or College a degree. "Una carrera" in Spanish can also mean a race or run in English
Example - Host (On-Screen): ?Quieres participar en una carrera conmigo en abril? Do you want to enter a race with me in April?
What was your degree in college? ?Qué carrera estudiaste en la universidad? (Note: If you asked: "What career did you study in college?", you are asking "What profession did you study for in college?" ).
In the US, we usually study for a profession (like, for example, a police officer or cosmetologist) in a community college for two years.
We study for a degree in a 4-year or more program in a university or college. A degree (oftentimes more than 4 years of studying) is required to enter many professions that require certification like a CPA, a doctor, a lawyer, etc.
A degree can also be awarded for a field of study, like history or anthropology, that does not lead to a position in that profession. For example, I have a Bachelor's degree in Geography but I spent my career administering grant programs for the development of subsidized housing.
Un Colegio:
Host (On-Screen): "Un colegio" in Spanish means a secondary school. In English, a "college" is usually a type of university in the US that does not offer many professional career programs or a specific campus (facultad) within a University.
Example - English: Host I studied at Whittier College and in the College of Public Administration and Urban Planning at the University of Southern California. (Estudié en el Whittier College (o universidad peque?a) y en la Facultad de Administración Pública y Urbanismo de la Universidad del Sur de California.)
Un Profesor:
Host (On-Screen): "Un profesor" is not the same as a professor. A professor in English only refers to a teacher at a university or college level. Anyone who teaches at a high school level or lower is simply called a teacher. Example -
English: Host (On-Screen): My high school teacher inspired me to pursue a career in science, not my college professor (Mi profesor de secundaria me inspiró para seguir una profesión científica, no mi profesor de universidad.)
Host (On-Screen): "Demanda" in Spanish refers to a legal suit or complaint. In English, "demand" is equivalent to "exigir" in Spanish. However, "demanda" and "demand" share a common meaning in the economic sense of supply and demand.
Example - English and Spanish: Host (On-Screen): The company filed a lawsuit against the consultant because he did not factor in the demand for the product into his calculations. (La empresa presentó una demanda contra el consultor porque no tuvo en cuenta la demanda del producto en sus cálculos.)
Conductor and Chofer:
Host (On-Screen): In both Spanish and English, "conductor" is commonly used for the person who operates a train. However, in English, when referring to someone driving a car or bus, we typically use the term "driver."
Example - English and Spanish: Host (On-Screen): He's a train conductor, not an orchestra conductor. Es un conductor de tren, no un director de orquesta.
In Spanish, a "chofer" can mean any person driving some type of transportation. In English, a chauffeur is a professional driver hired to drive a car, often for luxury transportation.
Host (On-Screen): "Mermelada" in Spanish means jam. In English, "marmalade" is a specific type of jam made from oranges. Any other type of "mermelada" in Spanish is simply jam. Example - English and Spanish: Show relevant image or animation Host (On-Screen): We don't like marmalade as much as we like strawberry jam. (No nos gusta la mermelada de naranja tanto como la mermelada de fresa.)
Host (On-Screen): Let's explore the word "pretender," a false cognate that often leads to subtle linguistic slips for advanced English speakers. In English, "pretend" is the equivalent of "fingir" in Spanish. However, "pretender" can mean pretend in English in a few select instances.
When someone says, "Pretendo mejorar mi inglés" in Spanish, it generally translates to "I intend to improve my English" in English. However, if you say I am pretending to study English, you are saying: "I am faking the act of improving my English” or "As a joke, I am acting like I am improving my English".
Host (On-Screen): "Jubilación" means retirement in Spanish. In English, "jubilation" means joyfulness. However, "joyful" can be translated as "jubilado" or more commonly "alegre" in Spanish. Example - English and Spanish: Host (On-Screen): The jubilant crowd was filled with new retirees. (La multitud alegre (o jubilada) estaba llena de nuevos jubilados.
Host (On-Screen): Well, there you have it, a journey through the intricate world of false cognates, tailored for advanced English speakers, particularly our Mexican professionals striving for linguistic excellence. As we navigate the linguistic maze together, let's embrace the subtle nuances that make language learning both challenging and enriching.
Remember, language is a dynamic, living entity, evolving with cultural influences and individual experiences. So, whether you're maneuvering through the delicate dance of "compromisos," mastering the fine art of "lectura," or simply enjoying the jubilation of learning, let this be a resource to enhance your linguistic prowess.
In the spirit of genuine commitment to education, I'm leaving you with this script, not for fame or attention, but as a sincere contribution to the collective journey of language mastery. May these insights serve as stepping stones for you, Mexican professionals, as you continue to elevate your English proficiency.
Happy learning, and may your linguistic adventures be both enlightening and joyous! Until next time, this is [Your Name], signing off.