This False Career Choice Is Limiting Your Options – 4 Ways To Expand Limiting Beliefs

This False Career Choice Is Limiting Your Options – 4 Ways To Expand Limiting Beliefs

Your Career Questions Answered is written by Caroline Ceniza-Levine -- longtime recruiter, career coach, author of Jump Ship Career Change: 10 Steps To Starting A New Career, and founder of the Dream Career Club, helping experienced professionals make a great living doing what they love.

Am I pursuing the right work that makes me happy and fulfilled? Or am I chasing what I think will provide me with a paycheck and benefits but makes me depressed? – Stephanie, product marketing

Usually, if you have to ask yourself whether or not you’re happy and fulfilled, then you probably aren’t. If you were, you’d just keep on, excited to greet the day. While a paycheck and benefits might approximate a level of happiness (especially if you prioritize pay and benefits), fulfillment and compensation are separate and distinct. You can have both, neither or one or the other.

Therefore, Stephanie’s question presents a false choice (aka, false dilemma)? – it’s worded as if she’s choosing between happiness and pay, when nothing is stopping her from maximizing both. You can be both happy and well-paid. Rather than pitting happiness and pay against each other, reframe the question as a unified mission:? how to land work that makes you happy and fulfilled AND provides you with a competitive paycheck and benefits.

Once you accept you can be happy AND well-paid, you stop wasting time belaboring the false choice between love OR money. You can then invest that time in landing your fulfilling, well-paying job. In Stephanie’s case, that might still be product marketing – maybe she just needs a change of company or industry. Stephanie might not even have to change jobs – maybe she just needs to change how she’s working or what responsibilities she’s assigned to. Or, Stephanie might need to renegotiate compensation – just because she’s getting a paycheck and benefits doesn’t mean she’s being paid her market value!

Based on the little background information in the question, we don’t know why Stephanie is depressed so we can’t be too prescriptive on how to turn things around. However, it’s never a love-or-money dilemma. You can have both fulfillment and compensation, and if you don’t think you can, then expanding that limiting belief needs to be your immediate next career move.

What if you don’t believe you can make money from what makes you happy?

Find success stories of people doing what you want to do. If you hear that your dream job doesn’t pay well, don’t just assume that’s true – ask people who have those jobs, ask recruiters, pull salary surveys from professional association. If you really can’t find anyone doing the job you say you want and making the money you want to make, see if you’re defining the role too narrowly. Maybe you need to look at a similar job in a different industry or in a bigger company.

What if you don’t believe you can make good money and be happy?

This is an overly-generalized version of the first limiting belief. Some people think you have to work till you’re miserable in order to make the big money. Prove to yourself that isn’t true by finding happy, well-paid people. Join an executive association if you need to uplevel who your prototypes are. Your alma mater or your company’s affinity groups might also give you access to a wider variety of people, some of whom will be doing well financially and still also personally fulfilled.

What if you don’t know what makes you happy?

Maybe you accept that people can be happy and well-paid, but you don’t know what will make you happy. Or you have so many interests and are afraid to pick just one. Focusing on picking the one right thing is just going to stress you out, which will pull you further away from your happiness compass. Instead, give yourself several weeks or months (if you don’t need a new job right away) to explore and experiment. Don’t worry about what a job is called or whether you can land the job, just focus on learning about different jobs. What problems do you like to solve? What companies and industries do you follow? What do you like doing that doesn’t feel like work? Play around to get closer to what you enjoy doing, so you can pick your next career based on what you like.

What if you don’t think you can get hired into the job that makes you happy?

Find those success stories of people who change careers into something they love doing. This can give you some information on how they did it, but most importantly, it will give you inspiration that it’s doable. Once you have identified that dream job, then it’s all about job search technique to land it – read career advice blogs, visit your alma mater career services or community library for job search help, hire a coach. There are many job search resources out there.

In the choice between love or money, the answer is YES

At every level of your career, for any type of job, company, or industry, there is a way to both enjoy what you do and make a good living doing it. Accept that as fact, so you’ll aim for it, keep looking till you find it and not settle for less. We spend too much time working – might as well enjoy it and feel fairly paid!




As always, Caroline makes excellent points. If you want to figure out your career, use her coaching services.

Carren Jao

Digital Content Leader | Storyteller with a Product mindset

4 个月

The mind is really a powerful thing and sometimes we don't know even know what beliefs are holding us back until we examine it. Thanks for bringing up the question, Caroline!


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