Falling Satisfaction Rates: Physician Assistant 2023 Salary Rates Analysis

Falling Satisfaction Rates: Physician Assistant 2023 Salary Rates Analysis

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We're here with your curated digest of the latest happenings in the healthcare sector. This time around, we’re delving into the nuances of PA salaries and the emerging trends.

A key takeaway from the 2023 report is the discord between rising salaries and a growing faction of PAs feeling undervalued—a narrative that’s stayed consistent since 2019. Yet, hope springs eternal with many PAs optimistic about a fatter paycheck on the horizon.

Read on for a deeper dive into the insights from the 2023 PA salary report.

Every year, Medscape unfolds its Physician Assistant Compensation Report, offering a lens into the income and job satisfaction among PAs. In its 2023 rendition, Medscape garnered responses from over 3,000 PAs nationwide, dissecting facets of salary, workload, job satisfaction, and hurdles in the profession.

Income on an Upward Trajectory?

A substantial 60% of PAs reported a climb in income compared to last year, while 33% saw a steady state. The average PA compensation nudged up by about 4% to $134,000, a hike from $129,000 in 2022, reflecting a boost in both base pay and annual bonuses.

Did PAs earn more in 2022?

Experience seems to be a lucrative companion with PAs aged 45 or older out-earning their younger counterparts by over 13%.

The Fair Pay Conundrum

Earnings go beyond mere dollar figures. The feeling of being fairly paid among PAs hinges on several elements. These may encompass their geographical work location, their areas of expertise, living costs, and the extent of routine tasks like handling calls, paperwork, or reviewing lab results, which are accounted for in their "paid" work hours.

The sentiment around fair compensation has seen a dip since 2020 when it peaked at 74%, according to surveys. In the latest survey, only half of the respondents felt they were fairly compensated. Intriguingly, factors like age or gender didn't sway the responses in any significant way. The feelings were evenly distributed across all age groups and genders.

Do PAs Feel Fairly Compensated?

The perception of fair pay didn't exhibit any notable variations based on gender or age. Both male and female PAs, along with PAs of all ages, shared similar sentiments regarding their compensation.

Experts advocate that compensation should reflect the time spent on "non-revenue generating" tasks like returning calls and reviewing lab results. PAs who feel their entire work scope is adequately compensated are more likely to find their pay fair.

Stability in Work Environments

The data suggests that PAs are more likely to be found working in a medical office or clinic as compared to emergency or acute care settings. While the exact figures shift slightly over the years, the overall distribution has remained quite constant since the data collection began in 2020.

A small fraction, 7%, reported being self-employed, which includes the increasing number of PAs opting for locum tenens assignments. This percentage has stayed steady over the years.

Hourly vs Salaried: The Pay Discrepancy

A large majority of PAs (93%) are part of a medical group or a hospital system. Those who are self-employed, comprising full-time locum tenens and hourly waged PAs, make up a mere 7% of the total respondents.

When it comes to earnings, the hourly waged PAs reported higher earnings compared to their salaried counterparts ($135,000 versus $128,000). It's suggested that hourly wages often lead to better job satisfaction as providers feel more fairly compensated for their efforts.

Payment Spectrum Across Settings

PAs operate in various practice settings, and their earnings fluctuate slightly across these settings. The most significant number of surveyed PAs work in medical offices or clinics (46%), followed by emergency departments/urgent care (15%), acute care hospitals/inpatient units (14%), and operating rooms/surgery (10%).

Those serving in operating rooms and surgical settings reported an average annual salary of $145,000. In contrast, PAs in medical offices and clinics reported an average of $129,000, a rise from $124,000 in 2021.

Geographical Pay Discrepancies

PA salaries exhibit a wide range across the U.S. At a glance, the Pacific region appears to offer higher pay, but a closer examination by Michael Sharma, an emergency medicine and urgent care PA, reveals that the high cost of living potentially offsets the higher earnings in this region.

Sharma mentions that regions with lower pay might hold career benefits for PAs seeking a better quality of life. This aspect might attract PAs considering locum tenens assignments that offer a blend of flexibility and appealing amenities. Many PAs opting for locum work select assignments that align with their travel goals, family ties, or favorable work relationships besides the pay factor.

Earnings Across the U.S.

The range of PA salaries across the United States is quite broad. At first glance, the Pacific region (encompassing states like Oregon, Washington, California, Alaska, and Hawaii) appears to offer better pay. However, the scenario may not be as rosy as it seems. For instance, the elevated cost of living in these areas may negate the higher earnings to a large extent. Surprisingly, regions with lesser pay could present favorable career prospects for PAs in pursuit of a better quality of life.

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Great to see this in-depth analysis on PA compensation trends! ?? As Steve Jobs once said, "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." Remember, it's crucial to seek fulfillment beyond the paycheck. Your exploration not only enlightens but also inspires. ???????? #PassionInHealthcare #PASalaryTrends




