Falling in love with Failure
Cathy Spaas
Claim your Stride and Go for Gold ?? | Your Equestrian Success Trainer | bestselling author & public speaker
Falling in love with Failure
This must have been one of the most difficult things I have had to learn. Failure never seemed to be an option for me, so when things wouldn’t work out exactly the way I had in my mind, it felt like a disaster. I didn’t know how to use the experience as fuel to get better.
When you focus all your attention and energy on what went wrong, there’s no space for growth. Since I was highly committed to do a great job as a horse rider, I was always focused on what hadn’t been good, in order to improve that aspect of my riding.?
The downside of this strategy is that all my focus went towards things that weren’t working out for me, and since I didn’t know how to shift out of that feeling of disappointment, I just ended up feeling like a failure, not learning anything and repeating the same old mistakes over and over again…
What you give attention, grows!
So it’s pure logic that if your thoughts and emotions are stuck in a pattern of destructive feedback, you can’t generate growth or success out of that, right?
That’s why it’s so important to permit yourself to fail, and hard! You need those experiences to get better, not to bring yourself down like I did and to only see what doesn’t work for you, but because you get to analyze what did work well in this situation, and what could improve.
It’s definitely of value to look at your mistakes, but do it without judgement, and add another step to the process; ‘What will I do differently next time?’?
By envisioning this, you are training your brain to move away from the current failure, towards a more satisfying outcome. This little action step will improve your results so you can enter the next level of your game/act/performance/…
Visualize the same situation, but show your brain exactly how you want to approach it next time. This way your brain learns from the situation, and the focus is being shifted from what didn’t work, to a scenario where it serves you on a higher level and will help you reach your goal(s).
Shifting failure, and falling in love with the process is precisely what will make your performance and personality shine like the star that you are!?
Can you feel the importance of this for both your career and your wellbeing??
Do you want to discover more regarding your own possibilities and potential? Make sure you book a call with me at https://calendly.com/cathyspaas.?
I’m happy to connect and have a chat with you!
Shine on! ??