The fall U want to take….

The fall U want to take….

Who on earth wants to take a fall … I know it sounds crazy but to be honest that’s how it’s all designed … I would often find myself to be jumpy …. Ready to look for shelter at the drop of a hat… become fearful … try even hallucinating which I realised later… the only thing I forgot is we all coexist (come think of all ur imagination can take u ) nothing in this existence exists individually

Sometime ago I was observing myself wherein I saw my body was rigid … to the extent that I had to make an effort to relax… it gave me no joy to see myself stiffen up even when the situations were cordial .. when I mean cordial situations I mean i m eating my favourite meal (lunch) … I am enjoying a conversation with a like minded human… I am being by myself …?

It took me months before I realised I was tense in my body and the tension can be sensed by animals (the sensitive of the lot)… if you blend with the existence the existence responds to u in a certain way but if you are out of sync …. U will see the reaction …

I used to literally check myself often about how is my body responding to any given situation and it was always in tension… I suspected it has something to do with my emotions… I accidentally stepped into something where I had to let go off whatever I am holding on to …. Expectations… results… plans …memories … after all that’s where it (the tension) creeps in unasked …

Life has its own way of dealing with U… u can keep saying you surrender but the test is on … the more u fail the tests keep coming at U and finally the free will is taken away… just to reveal the beauty…

The grandeur of surrender is unmasked until it’s thrusted on our face uncalled for unasked for very very unreal … something similar happened.. I went down the road of surrender … a choice less choice and the unknown expectations and the umbilical chord to memories started eroding me … I can’t say fading away because it leaves U but follows you as nebulae of smoke…

At first it was quite difficult and I could not cope up but then as I gave in it was clarity … the tension was releasing I did not feel so tense as before it was bearable …? u carry the burden of the world on your tiny shoulders… rightly said nobody asked u to do so….

The slackened shoulders and the ease returns … the gaze is casual …. The consciousness is on …. The childlike joy returns… am I relaxing I asked myself??? Is this how U relax by letting it all Go …did I really take the fall in the lap of grace ….. by forcefully surrendering once again until it becomes my nature ….Happy Coaching??? ? #Shambho #leaders #leadershipdevelopment?#motivation #success #consciousplanet #people #leadershipdevelopment #leaders #coaching #stress #consciousness #innovation #future #creativity #digitalmarketing #entrepreneurship #careers #socialnetworking #startup #futurism #europe #travel #mindset #coaching #linkedin


