Fall is a great time to list your home for sale and the market has never been better for selling your home. It is very important to have your home ready to sell. Here are a few hints to help you get your home sold quickly and for the highest price:
- Spruce up the exterior of your home. Curb appeal is very important so clean up the leaves, trim the bushes, clean the front door and exterior entry.
- Declutter your home. Now is a great time to pack up excess "stuff" and take to one of the many charitable organizations. Their clients will be looking for quality used items for the holidays so you can help yourself and a needy family at the same time!
- Neutralize your home. By this I mean take down family photos and momentos that personalize your home. We want potential buyers to picture themselves in your home. Paint any rooms that are wild or dated colors (red dining rooms are out).
- Take care of the little to-dos. Fix scuff marks, fill nail holes, repair loose handles. Just give the house a once over and make all those little repairs that we all put off.
- Clean, clean and then clean again!! Don't forget the ceiling fans, behind the toilet and all those places we sometime miss. A clean house will sell quicker for sure, it shows that you care about your house and if it is clean then you maintain your home properly
- Have your furnace clean and serviced for the winter Call me to come see your home to do a free market analysis and discuss the market. We would LOVE to sell your home this fall!!
- Call me, Carol McClintock at (812)777-5220 or team-mcclintock.com to come do a tour and a FREE market analysis!! We would LOVE to sell your house this fall.