The Fall of Mammoth
Faris AlHajri
Founder of Haqua Revitalize?? Therapy (HART)/ Haquapathy & Haqua Wellness
"When a tragedy reaches its peak, the next step is the beginning of its catastrophic downfall".
Well, well, well! Open your eyes, you may not believe or just imagine you have been blindfolded, including your predecessors.
The first modern, pharmaceutical medicine was invented in 1804 in the west; a huge effort was immersed to put an end to the eastern ancient medicine, mostly from Egypt, China, India, Greece, and Rome. Such drive became more engaged as scientists became much more involved in doing intense laboratory-related research studies, using chemistry and biology.
As scientists got involved more in finding means to find a cure and protection against diseases and pandemics-causing agents such as viruses, pathogens, microorganisms, other foreign invaders, in dependency of biochemistry through invented chemicals were believed to cure and prevent diseases and bring pandemics to the end.
After the discovery of antibiotics, the Western hemisphere contemplated such inventions as wonder drugs. Enormous fundings were assigned to support scientific research related to the entire healthcare system; a larger percentage of countries GDP (Gross Domestic Products), was set for the advancement of research and development.
A study conducted by two researchers from the University of British Columbia (Davies J, Davies D, 2010), highlighted that Antibiotics have always been considered one of the wonder discoveries of the 20th century. This is true, but the real wonder is the rise of antibiotic resistance in hospitals, communities, and the environment concomitant with their use. The extraordinary genetic capacities of microbes have benefitted from man's overuse of antibiotics to exploit every source of resistance genes and every means of horizontal gene transmission to develop multiple mechanisms of resistance for each and every antibiotic introduced into practice clinically, agriculturally, or otherwise. The lack of basic knowledge on these topics is one of the primary reasons that there has been so little significant achievement in the effective prevention and control of resistance development.?Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928, and in 1940, several years before the introduction of penicillin as a therapeutic, a bacterial penicillinase [an enzyme produced by certain bacteria that?inactivates penicillin, so that such bacteria have increased resistance to the antibiotic] was identified by two members of the penicillin discovery team. Once the antibiotic was used widely, resistant strains capable of inactivating the drug became prevalent, and synthetic studies were undertaken to modify penicillin chemically to prevent cleavage by penicillinases (β-lactamases). Regrettably, the use of these wonder drugs has been accompanied by the rapid appearance of resistant strains. 1467
This greatly enchanting “Letters to the Editors” article, published in Nature magazine by two researchers (Abraham, Chain E., 1940), emphasized that FLEMING[Fleming, A.,?Brit. J. Exp. Path.,?10, 226 (1929)] noted that the growth of?B. coli?and a number of other bacteria belonging to the colityphoid group [types of bacteria found in urine] was not inhibited by penicillin. This observation has been confirmed. Further work has been done to find the cause of the resistance of these organisms to the action of penicillin.1468
Despite all these scientific studies with regards to antibiotics resistance, for almost a century passed, the world accelerated its exponential growth in all the fields of technological advance, including inventions of Advanced Diagnostic Equipment, conducting complex surgical procedures, and Advanced Diagnostics in detecting all dysfunctions in the human body, which greatly contributed to the series of Industrial Revolutions.
On the other side, regardless of a series of assertions concerning advancement in pharmacology, the struggles of humanity from chronic ailments continued to rise, viruses kept severely mutating, resulting in global alarming associated with a series of pandemics striking the world economy much harder than ever anticipated.
Convincingly, humans’ dependence on drugs to cure chronic diseases, and protect against viruses began to dissipate, most severely, when governments began enforcing vaccine mandate against the recent covid-19 pandemic, due to a series of mutations in the Sars-CoV2, the virus that caused the covid-19 pandemic.
To many, this was treated as an infringement of their privacy, as they started wondering what the next steps could be once governments take powers to enforce people against their will.
Our profound supplication to the big pharmaceutical companies to take this prospect to start reconstituting their investment to the Wellness Industry, in preference over holding their grips thoroughly solidified toward drug development. The world should learn from grave misconceptions that were committed by many of the collapsed industries. To name a few; Amazon has taken over many of the mega shopping complexes, Uber replaced taxi services, On-line Travel Agents replaced most of the traditional travel agents, Online news replaced Newspapers, etc.
Our modest suggestion to the many sectors in the Wellness Industry, aiming to withstand rapid growth is that they should firmly adhere to partner with acclaimed scientific research institutes, to keep themselves in conformity with the mega evolution the entire world is yet to witness, shoulder to shoulder with the exponential growth of technological changes.
The recent discovery of Haqua Revitalize? Therapy (HART), in just a few years to come, due to the freedom of information, vast provision of social media globally, for the reason, humans will finally uncover the truth behind the difference between a creature and an invention, in which all drugs are invented, regardless of enormous clinical research studies having been conducted. The fact is that humans' wars against diseases and pandemics kept growing dramatically in the opposite direction of technological advances.
Beyond the shadow of a doubt, humans’ potentials were strictly limited towards invention and discovery. No creature, whether human, insect, animal, including all living organisms, could be invented, or engineered by humans. Rather, humans are obliged to acknowledge how every single nature functions, including humans themselves. Whereas exclusively, humans through their intense scientific advanced skills, should adhere to carefully study how every nature works, and how each is made up of body which represents a system, where on the other side, it is made up of its essential natural supplements. We coined them the fuels, and for the human body, it strictly relies on preserving the required amount of each of its fuels. We refer to them as the Four Essential Elements of Life (FEELs), namely; water, oxygen, hydrogen, and energy.
The twenty-first-century global evolution would absolutely encounter the hasty fall of the mammoth, as hospitals would be replaced by wellness resorts and spas, clinics by wellness centers, etc., whereas accidents and emergencies units would survive to sustain lives. The rapid collapses would grow exponentially the moment a series of lawsuits would be filed on the global level, mostly from the most developed countries, against the World’s biggest pharmaceutical companies.?
Certainly agree that wellbeing resorts and holistic centres will play a much more important and vital role in the very near future.