“Fall down learning how not to…”
We are born with only 2 innate fears: loud noises and the fear of falling.
Most of our fears are learned beliefs.
Try that as motivation. You don’t have to accept fear. Take it on as a challenge.
“The greatest part of who you are is just beyond your deepest fear." -Jamie Winship (Author, Storyteller, and Founder of Identity Exchange ).
And if you fall, so what? What’s the worst that can happen?
Each stumble teaches you how to get it right the next time.
This weekend we discovered a fun wine from Isabella Morano (photo above).
It's called "Don’t Quit Your Day Job," an homage to the hustle she sustains to keep her wine business afloat. (Made me like the wine even better -- love a hustler!)
"This wine gave me several grey hairs," she describes, "but I learned A LOT through making it. Sometimes the most challenging ferments end up being the most fun to drink."
Reminds me of a favorite tank top I got years ago from Evolve Fit Wear : "Don't quit your daydream.”
Go for it and see how far you can go. Rinse, repeat.
"Fall down, learning how not to..."
When have you found greatness just beyond your fear?