The Fall - The Comedy of Life

The Fall - The Comedy of Life

Yo! Future Su Mit, so it's been really chaotic, only war, suicide, rape, and meaningless stuff which don't even make any sense. It would be great in the future if you could find any answers to these. The world is burning right now. It's only a matter of time before the fire reaches my home. I wish I die soon, before that.

I've been observing since childhood that people want to belong to a group, they don't like to be alone. Everyone wants to be associated with a group. I think biologically it's our DNA as our ancestors' survival might have been mainly dependent on the groups. If you have a large group then your survival could be easier and better.

But one thing is really frustrating, lately it's like people already in a group create another sub-group and fight within a group. It's really amazing and sad to see that humans have such a tendency that even if a group consists of all identical people and nature, humans will find something different and create their own subgroup and subgroups. It's like humans are designed to fight with each other. Even if the difference is not a physical thing, people will create a fictional difference. Like, you believe in Krishna, I believe in Shiv, oh I believe in Allah. Oh, you're south Indian, I am north Indian.

Even in South India, you speak Telugu, I speak Kannada. Sanskrit is the most ancient, no it's Tamil, does it even matter? Some groups argue that our body is not designed to eat non-veg and some argue it's perfectly designed to eat. And both have valid proofs and flaws. One thing for your note, not in the whole Bhagavad Gita, it is written to eat veg or non-veg. It's the explanation of the shlokas that causes problems. There's only a shloka which tells you to eat healthy food with normal spices and salt that's all, like eat healthy. The problem is people giving their own explanation and then people who find that explanation in their need and greed, associate to that particular reasoning. A chicken seller would definitely say eating meat is healthy, a shop with vegetables would say vegetables are healthy. And believe me, no one is right or wrong and everyone is right and wrong. It's like falling in a black hole, you're falling but not falling at the same time.

Recently I found that there are even groups in the same category who fight over the pronunciation of the name of god, my friend Rohan told me that there are people who call Krishna, Krusna, I didn't believe it at first because from my childhood never in my dream I'd imagined that people could create groups on how to pronounce a god. After a Google search and checking a few videos and blogs, I came to accept, humans could fight over anything. It's in our DNA. Then as a joke, I searched that there would be people who would even believe 2 + 2 is 5, and guess what there's a group who believe it. Humans are really fascinating and sad creatures. I am human yet I am writing about humans. Lol, the Irony.

Well Su Mit, you see the problem is not that there are multiple groups, the problem starts with not being able to find any group. Some people don't know which group they belong to. And it's sad because this way I'll die fast and my type will be extinct first. Here's the explanation:

When in India over Insta or LinkedIn I see people fighting over South India, North India, State, Language, culture, religion, political party, Cricket match, etc. I don't know which to support. Which state do I belong to, I don't feel any connection to any state, is it where I was born, where I was raised, where I studied, or where I work? What is my state, if you say where I was born well I don't even know a single city or people there, if you say where I work, well I don't know the language or culture. Where I studied, well. I don't feel connected as well. Am I South Indian or North Indian, I can speak Hindi and not any South language but does it make me North Indian? But, I have lived more here than there, which IPL team, should I support? And when in a fight over language which language should I support, I can read Hindi but can't write well. Should I support Hinduism, Islam, or any other religion? Do I believe in God or not, I don't even know if I exist.

So when I see people breaking shops for not writing their name in their language, I get confused shall I support the shop or shall I support the vandals? At first, I used to think these problems were common in India well guess what it even happens in other well-developed countries, people fighting for ethnicity and culture. Are we not all Human?

I've never seen roses with different colors fight each other, and here's an interesting theory, according to research in a forest in the Amazon, when trees are cut or destroyed the neighboring trees offer the nutrition, and they don't do it for their own kind but rather to all kinds. Now how amazing is that, and here people dividing groups within groups, they want to be together but not together as well. I don't understand, it's like I will create a group of people speaking Hindi, and then within this group now I'll start fighting and start creating a group over some stupid reason like let's say your handwriting is different than mine.

I know everything is meaningless, this work, money, fame, love all are just illusions to keep the reality away. But it's very sad, I've seen videos in which the rich are enjoying and within a meter poor are dying. What is this world? The discrimination is started from birth, some kids want PS5 while some just want bread. What am I really doing, where am I really going? Am I gonna be great like Elon Musk if so that is also meaningless, yes with more money I'll enjoy more in materialistic desires, I'll have more clothes, more houses, nice cars, and all. But let's say even if I stop doing everything and become a monk, will that help, that is also meaningless. Or should I suicide well that is also meaningless, everything is stupid at this point. I might get killed in tomorrow's riots, or in a car accident, or some stupid people without actual knowledge of religion might kill me for their belief. So now you tell me what the solution was if you found.

People say be happy, while being happy is just a matter of choice, you can choose to be happy or sad, it's in your brain. The main problem is what's to work, why work, why are you born, are you just born to study, work, marry, make kids, and die. What are we humans actually doing? What is our collective goal, is it to find and kill god or create another universe, or, what? Krishna says, follow your duty, well what's your duty? Is it to be a responsible son, loving husband, a patriot for the country, to support my culture, and to kill thousands of others? Is it to fight for Dharma, then shall I start killing and punishing others?

There must be a collective goal of humans, like in Dr. Stone's anime, everyone works together for a common goal, everyone has different work but their works lead to a common goal. So I believe there might be a common goal of humanity that we are working toward, but it might be also that we've forgotten. Even I don't know. But there will be or else it's just absurd. I am at the point where I don't know anything, nobody knows anything. Everything and everyone is biased, our whole reality is based on our experience and knowledge, and those experiences and knowledge are biased due to circumstances, events and randomness.

The reason I have called it a comedy is because I realized that comedy is the peak of human experience. It's like this: Happiness -> Sadness -> Angry -> Depression -> Voidness -> and then the comedy.

Anyway, one thing I enjoy right now is being lucky to be born in India because I really enjoy eating with my hands. Like I feel like why would anyone want to eat without hands? And yes sometimes people find me weird and embarrassing but it's like Indians are not grateful, they eat with their hands regularly so they find it more interesting to eat with stupid forks and spoons, but I really enjoy it, I am grateful. One closing note is that after doing many international meetings and all, Indians are not very empathetic and respectful or kind, or maybe it's like we're not kind to each other because I find someone sitting on the opposite side of the earth more kind and empathetic than my fellow Indian. I guess it's more like we give more respect to guests than our own family. Really hope to not be alive tomorrow. Yup, life is indeed a comedy. I can be the Joker or I can be the Joke. Doesn't matter ;)


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