Fall back and then move forward…
Deborah Thomas-Nininger
A recognized leader in professional development and soft skills training.
Yes, ‘tis the season of change – fall is here in all its glory. Fortunately, I live in Ohio, where the four seasons come and go in their splendor each year. Fall is my favorite season for various reasons – weather, beauty, temperature, aromas, the clocks fall back an hour, and everything pumpkin spice!
For many people, however, it is sad to see summer go, and I fear so much that some miss the fabulousness of fall as they contemplate and delay putting away their flip-flops and t-shirts. Of course, for those of you living in warmer climates, you have that oh-so-smug look on your face about now, right?
This blog is less about the fall season and more about flexibility and adaptability to necessary life changes. As some have stated, one doesn’t have to change or evolve…no longer existing is an option. How about that for a kick in the rear?
People who whine about “winter is coming,” “why do we need to change that procedure,” “why is that necessary,” “if it ain’t broke,” “what’s wrong with the way things are” – well, they are the current example of dinosaurs! And their attitudes are exhausting!
Being positive is a choice, but it doesn’t ensure that things are or will be perfect. But as the seasons change, so do policies and procedures, essential business functions, foreign policy, and even health care. To approach any and all changes with an open mind is less stressful for everyone – give things a chance!
For all of the changes I continue to experience in my life, I remind myself it allows me to develop my patience, which I have very little. And it’s not as though I don’t analyze and evaluate the changes as they occur – but I acknowledge there are certain things over which I have little control. How I play the hand I have been dealt is totally within my control.
Me, I’m going to enjoy the changes the fall season brings. We can embrace the changes or cease to exist. I plan to continue to look for all of the positives in the changes that occur. I will treasure making the most of each day while I continue to not only exist but also thrive in an ever-changing world!