Fall 2024 news for Hummingbird Scientific
Hummingbird Scientific
Check out our in-situ microscopy products and career opportunities on our website!
Fall training classes for in-situ holders, new scientific job openings at Hummingbird, upcoming events, and featured user publications!
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Sign up now for In-Situ TEM holder Fall training classes
We will be holding quarterly training classes this fall at our TEM facility in Lacey, Washington. We are currently registering interested participants. The specific weeks and days for the classes will be determined based on the preferences of those who complete the form.
Preferred training date options:
Registration deadline: October 11th
The following in-situ holder classes are being offered:
See the form below to submit your preferred timeframe for training:
NEW location in Europe
We opened our new location in Europe this summer. Our Director of Research, Daan Hein Alsem, will be leading this growing new team, located in the Netherlands.
Stay tuned for upcoming job openings at our European office.
Additionally, if you're interested, we are also hiring for a scientist position in the US.
Upcoming Events
These are the events that Hummingbird Scientific will be attending this fall:
Featured Research
How do Bi nanoparticles restructure under CO??reduction reaction conditions?
Beatriz ávila-Bolívar, See Wee Chee, Beatriz Roldan Cuenya, and their colleagues at the University of Alicante and Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft published work using the?Hummingbird Scientific Gen V In-situ Bulk Liquid-electrochemistry TEM sample holder?to study the restructuring of Bi?O??nanoparticles under electrochemical CO??reduction conditions and reveal that pre-catalyst restructuring can occur due to the electrolyte environment and in the absence of applied potential.
Read more here >>
Featured User Publications
See how researchers are advancing in-situ TEM science with our sample holders:
Contact Us
Reach us at?[email protected]
To see what exciting projects?Hummingbird Scientific?has recently been involved in, check out and follow our?LinkedIn?feed.
Liquid Flow?|?Bulk Liquid Electrochemistry?|?Multichannel Gas Environment Heating?|?Single Channel Gas Flow?|?MEMS Heating + Biasing?|?Electrical Biasing?|?Cryo Biasing?|?Biasing Manipulator?|?Tomography?|?Air-Free Transfer?|?SEM Liquid Flow?|?SEM Bulk Liquid Electrochemistry |?SEM Gas + Heating?|?X-Ray Gas + Heating