Surviving Life vs. Experiencing Life
Spirituality within: Human beings are a scientific marvel. Scientists around the globe research, and test the human body’s environment and capacity attempting to find the answers.
It has been said, “We are a spirit having a human experience”. As the world becomes increasingly populated, overstimulated by greed and success differing off course of the spiritual experience originally intended many are walking around numb as their spirit energy weakens and becomes dim.
When we look at passer-byers, as we navigate busy streets, workplaces, if we dare to look in their face one may notice so few are smiling from within. In today in a busy city, you smile at someone, they either smile back briefly or they look at you wondering why you are smiling at them, or possibly they believe you are smiling at someone behind them and ignore your gesture or like themselves possibly believe you have a motive for smiling. Smiling has become an obsolete physical response.
My goal in posting these writings is to share spiritual enlightenment pathways. These pathways are for people who find themselves in a place of unbalance, sensing there is more, knowing deep down there was more intended for their life. Something is missing. For others it maybe once you have achieved a particular goal[s] to which society deemed an ultimate goal[s], find themselves internally unhappy, depression sets in and all too often suicide from the darkness, dumbness.
Our spiritual being does not exist within the compound of just our mind, rather our spiritual being is our mind [thinking], body [physical], emotions[feelings and spirit[spirituality] all four elements of our being. Our First Nation Medicine Wheel shows us the pathway to healthy self-esteem. We are masses of energy.
I will be posting a video regarding a cloud exercise in which I discovered in: THE HIDDEN MESSAGES IN WATER” by internationally renowned Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto. When we can focus on a small cloud on a fairly sunny day and keep focus, saying in your mind that you want that cloud to dissipate and disappear; try to minimize your blinking. You’ll notice at one point as though the cloud begins flashing, fading in and out and light and dark just before it begins to fade away. Within approximately 2 minutes the cloud you are focused upon shall disappear if you have kept focus. Do know anyone with sight can do this.
People are shocked at what they can do. Using your mind's eye takes you from the 3D into the 5D. We live in 3D. The 5D world is our spiritual energy where there are no barriers of the conscious. In the study of quantum physics, scientists state that all molecules in this universe are touching. Accomplishing the cloud exercise in the 3D using our 5D energy shows the ability of what is referred to as the mind’s eye.
When we can experience the power of our 5D in the 3D we can then begin to give value to the energy of our own spirit. I continuously ask people what is it they truly desire. As we move towards our true desires with good intention we begin to feel our spiritual energy.
Our 3D world is separated by thinking vs. feeling...Thinking based on what we are taught through religion, tradition, politics, family or social dynamics. If you find yourself ever and I mean ever stopping yourself from experiencing an experience that feels like your spirit is lit up due to other people, factors such as religion, tradition, politics, family or social dynamics Spirit energy then do know you are detaching from your spirit energy at that moment. This is when life events begin to unfold to teach you otherwise. Until you connect the dots and begin to understand what is transpiring the same outcomes will continue to arrive.
The element of thinking on the historical true medicine wheel is opposite to our emotions for a reason. Why How we think is more often than not, opposite to what our true emotions are. When we think about an experience we begin to dissect it, tear it down based on learnt belief and tell others what we think they want to hear or what will make us look good vs. experiential beliefs of what is real for us an individual. People wonder why they are so confused.
I meet many professionals who are amazing at their work yet so detached from their own being.
When two energies who are equal meet there is an instant connection with the energies, most do not understand and it could take years if ever they do. For others when the energies are brought together from both parties knowing exactly what their true desires are can create an explosion out thin air. When our frequencies are equal to another it is an amazing journey.
For people who are on a journey to discover what it is they truly desire a good start is to discover where in fact your feeling place is in your body so you can begin to be more aware in your day to day life that when you are acutely aware the decisions you make are so much easier. As you begin to grow using this tool you begin to walk into your spirit. When all for elements of your body become in sync with the other your wheel will then begin to travel through life without blowouts.
People who ignore their spirit energy generally find themselves in emotional conflict, sick or become ill when they hiding their true desires to stay in a co-dependent relationship. They find themselves in a constant in-house war within themselves or with their partner as they are feeling the sense of loss being pulled from their inner and spiritual self to live in a place of thinking.
I recently published a few quick eye technique books. If you are in a relationship that somehow isn't resonating for you, you may want to check out: WITHIN SIX MINUTES OR LESS EYE TECHNIQUES: Is Your Partner Being UnTruthful?
If you would like to begin this journey available on are two sessions one can take to discover where your detonation point is within you. From there the journey inward is actually very pivotal as you walk into the transcending into your spirit.
Sandi Verley
In the 5D for example I have shared energy with a person who is my equal. Due to the barriers in our 3D world we chose to be separated. We had no knowledge of what this was we were feeling though the energy was being felt which we both acknowledged. In the physical 3D world we did not see one another for 10 years. During that time we continued to share energy, we secretly felt one another in the 5D never feeling apart.
Unknowingly we both were experiencing mirror like events in our emotional and physical lives. At one point there was a crash in the 3D world sending both or our energies spinning out of control. I was in the midst of launching 6 books when something happened in his world. What was happening to him began to happen to me internally. I felt spiritually shut down. It was time to dig in.
I felt something was terribly wrong in his world so I finally called and suggest we go for a walk so I could check in and see what was going on for him. It was a crash for him. Some he shared and the rest he didn’t as I just somehow knew.
He was upset I seem to know and slam the door closed trying to deny feeling for anything in his life. This of course was fine with me as the 5D was still evidently still very much there. I decided to shut down what I could in regards to sharing energy in the 3D. I have to say I personally felt like a numb being. I realized that this is how most people feel who have not tapped into their 5D energy or met their equal.
A few days in on this I decided on my end this was not how I wanted to live. I feel alive when I am feeling my spiritual energy