Faking empathy? Don't...
For empathy to be effective and touch another person, it must be sincere. It cannot be fake. You can fake a diamond. You don't want to fake empathy. While. the rest of the world does not stop for our troubles, we kind of know when a supervisor, bank teller, or co-worker is faking empathy. Sometimes we may do it without even realizing it to someone else. Here are Preethi's tips to avoid faking empathy:
1 Try not to sound scripted. If you are in the financial or collections field where you are hearing people's money problems, try not to sound scripted when you say "This must be a hrd time."
2 IF you don't know what. to say. to a co-worker who has a meltdown, look solemn. Look sincere. Don't say anything.
3 If you answer phones for a billing company try to sound human, not AI. You probably have had the agent over the phone handling your medical bill saying "I am sorry to hear of your family troubles" yet sounds like a robot.
4 When someone is sharing a difficult moment, avoid lookign at your i-phone.
Yes sometimes the stories can drag. try to shorten the person's story with more sensitivity such as "It is a difficult time for you I can only imagine,"
5 If you are doing humanitarian aid work in a disaster zone where there is food starvation, don’t take out your granola bar from your pocket and start eating it while you are standing in front of 200 people who have not eaten in 5 days or longer.
Empathy is to put yourself in another person’s shoes. While you don’t have. To starve yourself, handle your granola bar with sensitivity. Go away quietly and eat it unnoticed by people whose stomachs are growling from food shortage.
Faking empathy can send a cruel, callous message. It could go against your business by your losing your customer or their posting negative online reviews that you might never know about.
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