Fake It Until You Make It: How to Use Confidence and Preparation to Advance
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Learn how displaying confidence before you feel ready can advance your tech career - while avoiding risks like over-faking it.
We've all heard the old adage, "Fake it til you make it."?
This idea of projecting confidence even if you aren't feeling it yet. Enough practice and putting yourself out there; eventually, you'll become confident in whatever you're doing.
There are people both for and against this strategy, but with many saying that it works, it's well worth looking into if you're living with low self-esteem or a general lack of the charisma and outgoingness you may wish you had.
This is especially useful when it comes to advancing tech careers.?
Even if you still have skills to develop, exuding capability and poise can help you land stretch roles, take on new challenges, and get ahead. More money, more opportunities, and more progression and growth.
All at your fingertips.
However, faking it doesn't mean blind overconfidence with no substance behind it.?
To turn "faking it" into "making it," you need intentional personal growth and skills acquisition over time. The right balance of confidence, honest self-assessment, and continual improvement is key.
In this guide, we'll explore how displaying confidence before you feel 100% ready can catalyze your tech career while looking at risks like getting in over your head.?
You'll find tips on:
?Visualizing success
?Power posing your way through nerves
?Thinking like those you admire
We'll also cover intelligent strategies for developing the technical and soft skills needed to back up any faked competence.
Let's look at how to leverage the "fake it til you make it" mindset to propel your career in tech to new heights! With the right balance of confidence, humility, and continual growth, you can make faking it a productive strategy on your path to success.
The phrase "fake it til you make it" means projecting confidence, capability, and poise even if you aren't quite feeling it yet.
It's about displaying the attitude and mindset of someone further along in their career or skillset - acting "as if" you already are where you aspire to be.
However, this means you're actively putting yourself in positions and acting like you're already where you want to be. This "acting" gives you both the skills and experience to become who you want and to start acting like that all the time.
Some examples in a tech career context:
The key is displaying confidence in your abilities before you necessarily feel that confidence entirely - but being willing to put in the work to develop yourself to back it up.
Adopting a "fake it til you make it" mindset can provide essential benefits for advancing your career , whatever industry you're in.
Here's some food for thought:
Balancing faked confidence with humility, self-awareness, and a strong work ethic is key.?
"Make it" by continuing to learn, upskill, and hone your craft. Use any over-levelled responsibilities as a catalyst for rapid growth.?
The right amount of "faking" paired with drive can fast-track your tech career.
Let's break this down
How can you tap into a feeling of assurance when you aren't quite there yet??
Well, the honest strategy is just to "do it."?
We know that sounds lame, but it's really the best advice we can give (but we'll cover actionable tips below).?
When you feel you want to speak up or have something to say, or there's an opportunity you want to get involved in, but fears and doubts creep in, stop for a moment.?
Acknowledge the fear or doubt. Acknowledge that you feel unconfident in taking that opportunity or action. Then simply envision how you would want to respond if you had all the confidence you needed, and then simply do that.
If that means raising your hand and sharing your opinion, then do it.
Sure, you might mess up, and you might not get it exactly right, but this is the kind of practice that will lead to you being naturally confident and in control down the line.
That's the power of fake it til you make it.
Here are some proven tactics that can help with this process along the way:
This only will make a big difference.
Who do you admire in your field? What makes them ooze confidence and credibility? How would they handle this situation? Envision what they would say and how they would carry themselves.
Act as they would, channeling their energy. Fake it by modeling those you view as successful.
You have to put in the work
With practice, these techniques help instill real inner confidence.
However, you must continue working diligently to develop the skills and knowledge needed for long-term success. Consistently "making it" requires turning faked confidence into earned confidence over time.
Now, contrary to popular belief, faking it til you make it doesn't just work by pure luck. It's faking it is basically acting and that alone won't get you to where you want to be in life.
Remember, it's about developing your skills and experience as a confident person who will get results, and this means you need to put in the work behind the scenes.
In the case of a tech career, this means actively building up relevant skills and experience.?
We made a list of strategies you can implement into your career to develop that confidence and skills!
Make sure you check them out here , so you can take your professional journey to the next level.
We have your back
Get personalized guidance on projecting confidence, taking on new challenges, and growing in your tech career with MentorCruise.
Our top professionals in the industry can help you balance confidence with skill-building, set achievable goals, and prepare for success.?
Get matched with a mentor today and make your aspirations a reality! Join MentorCruise now and take your tech career to new heights!