Fake it 'til you Make it
Ken Seawell
Managing Director | EAM Consulting - Sandler Training | Increasing Profits & Business Growth | Dog Lover | Former Chef | FSU Alum | Church Elder | Trusted Coach | Good Listener | Loyal Friend |
In my continuing series on the Sandler Rules, let’s talk about Sandler rule number 40, “Fake it ‘til you make it.”
Have you ever been in a store, and a salesperson keeps asking if you need help finding the fitted shirts or if they can get you something else to try on? Do you ever find that more annoying than helpful?
If so, then this rule should be easy to understand.
What I described above was one example in which the salesperson signaled to the buyer that they “needed” the sale.
Instead, the Sandler method encourages salespeople to “fake it,” or to master the art of acting like you don’t need the sale.
The idea is to walk into a meeting thinking that you’re going to nail the presentation and close the deal. That will show the prospect that you’re confident and competent, and they are more likely to buy from someone like that.
On the flip side, if you walk into a meeting unsure or act jittery during the presentation, your prospect might think less of you. If you don’t seem capable, then why should they buy from you and trust things will be taken care of? Most of the time, they won’t.
The harder part is understanding how to fake success. I understand that this can be hard to do, especially for those of you who are new to selling.
So, how do you fake it?
When I think of this rule, I’m reminded of a quote from Esther’s favorite movie, The Santa Clause. The line is “Seeing isn’t believing. Believing is seeing.” Success is the same way. If you see success, if you hear success, and if you feel success, then you’ll be successful.
The first step you need to take is believing that you are successful. Act like you’re financially independent and that you don’t need the sale or the money. Oftentimes, this belief can lead to you feeling more self-assured during presentations and allows you to answer questions with ease.
I do want to make a quick note: There is a thin line between confidence and arrogance. Make sure to be nurturing when talking to your prospect, and you’ll avoid rubbing them the wrong way.
The purpose of “faking it” is to allow the seller to get out of their own way and then their mindset will be positive. That’s half the battle right there!
Even I have to fake it on occasion. Somedays, I have a low self-worth and a high need for approval, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that from being on the phone with me. Because even though I don’t currently have “it,” I know I will at some point, whether it’s later that day or later in the week.
If you learn anything through this post, I hope it’s this: Fake it (optimism) to make it (money).