Fake "Replacement" and other scams against the unemployed Vanities: Necessity, Ingenuity and Scarce Attention, Legal and Operational Ignorance, Greed.
Fabio Albert
Executive Director and Operations | Investment, Finance, Guarantees and Surety Insurance! Extensive knowledge and relationships in the international market,Political scientist,Tax audit, fraud prevention and compliance.
I have already received numerous reports of scams of this type, there it was personally testing some of these invitations.
In summary, this classic fraud against the unemployed, works like this. Malandras (or sometimes non-existent companies), who call themselves "relocation", "human resources", "selection" or "hunting" companies, contact an unemployed person or someone who has published their own curriculum on the internet or in other places of public access.
They take the curriculum where it was published, call the candidate and propose a very interesting position.
Usually the chat is something like: "Good morning ... we receive your resume and we are calling because we have a perfect position for your profile in some multinational or large company, with high salary, benefits, career plan etc ... , interest ?" ... sometimes they say that it was the supposed contracting company who passed their resume to them ... and then the variants begin:
They summon the candidate to a colloquium and then demonstrate as intermediaries or "HR Companies" and say that a pre-selection has been made and the job is practically already candidate, but for this he has to pay for the costs of the early replacement service , or sometimes a portion of the cost of hunting that the contracting company would normally have to pay (somewhere between $ 1,000 and $ 3,000 or 20-30% of the first 2-3 wages, typically). Obviously there is no vacancy, no effective service will be provided and the money will be lost.
They call the candidate (if presenting as recruiters or HR company of the contractor) urgently and say that he has great chance due to his resume (often, to encourage more, say that the vacancy is practically already the candidate missing only details ). To go ahead in the selection process, and to get the job, the company asks for a psychological test (or IFP - Factorial Personality Inventory) that has to be paid in advance (something between 250 and 3,000 R $, usually), or need to reformulate the curriculum etc ... You pay but will not win the job, simply because it does not exist.
They summon the candidate to a selection for an attractive vacancy, and then declare that in reality the vacancy is of a much less attractive sort. Sometimes they even request the payment of advanced amounts for access to the vacancy or for the acquisition or rental of kits, tools and other "work" materials. The purpose, in this second case, is almost always to keep the advance because there is no work at all.
Through advertisements call for candidates for a selection. In the selection the candidates are selected but the "hiring" is conditioned to the accomplishment of some type of work or service of grace. In many cases it is conditional on the sale of a certain value of certain products or services of the company. In other cases these unpaid jobs, services or sales are presented as a "test" for possible future employment. In reality there is no vacancy, the candidate will never be hired and the goal is only to get him to work for free for some time or to sell, without remuneration, some products in his circle of friends and family.
The system most used to win customers, or better victims, is to glimpse, promise or guarantee a wonderful vacancy, saying that is already practically in hand, confirmed ... with that in mind, the candidate, especially the unemployed, desperate for a vacancy, loses objectivity, becomes vulnerable and does anything.
To get the payment in the act (or in the emotion) they offer all type of facility, installment of the value, payment in the card and even negotiate the values offering "discounts" when they realize that the amount charged exceeds the capacity of the victim. They know that if the victim leaves without having paid anything, most likely she will seek information or advice and find out everything. So the payment has to be on time, in the excitement, with no chance of consulting with anyone. Any pressure or means to achieve this is valid for the coup plotters.
There are numerous other variants. Generally speaking, these dubious HR companies are aiming to receive money or advantages in exchange for supposed selection or relocation services, but in reality do not provide these services and often can not even do so.
Always take great care to ensure that the relocation or selection company is a reputable company (for example, consulting ABRH - Brazilian Association of Human Resources) and with immaculate references and always be suspicious of "wonderful" proposals, promises or vacancies, as well as proposals.
As a general rule, it is worth remembering that when a company searches for an employee in a "hunting" operation both parties are entitled to receive information. That is, as the company rightly asks for information about the candidate, the candidate can also ask for information about the company.When a selector says that it was pre-selected and that the vacancy is practically his (that is, that the candidate is supposedly in a very advanced phase of the selection), but does not want to inform what the contracting company would be, the chance is very great that there is no contracting company and everything is chatty. The same goes when they say that the vacancy is practically yours, but in order to finalize the process you have to pay any amount advanced for services, tests, remunerations or any another kind of excuse. Also do not judge by appearances, some of these malandras "relocation" companies have beautiful and modern facilities, seemingly international name and seemingly professional and well-trained staff to apply the coup.Falsas Model Agencies A quite frequent variant of this coup is the damage of candidates and candidates for the model profession. There are numerous agencies or announcements in the newspapers and on the internet inviting them to participate in selections. You call, make a date, they talk, ask for a resume and some photos, or as they take some pictures of you there at the time. Then they will let you know when they have a position. A few days later, they'll tell you what happened in the pre-selection, or something like that, and now you need to make a professional book to get a chance to finally get into the world, get good jobs and make lots of money. The book has to be in the standard of the agency, so only they (or some agreed-upon photographer) can do it. To do this obviously has a variable cost of 150 up to 500 or more R $. You do the book, hoping to be the next Gisele Bündchen, and ... no work. They will say it was not well accepted by customers or something. The only purpose was obviously to take the money from the book ... An even more cruel variant of this same blow is the damage of young mothers (and parents) who dream of seeing their beautiful puppies acting as role models. Agencies of this type often use the tactic of informing that there is already work ready and guaranteed waiting for the model, but that depends on the making of the book in the standards of the agency, with payment in advance. This type of statement usually confirms the agency's lack of seriousness and should be considered an "attempt to fraud" alert. Let's reason a bit, if the job is already guaranteed then someone has already seen and approved the template, so it does not need to book for that work. And above all, even if it is absurd to make the book be agency policy, since the work and relative payment are guaranteed, because they can not advance the costs of the book and deduct the imminent payment? your child) as a template, make the book at your expense or initially accept a book made for your private account and do not insist that it be their book. Alternatively you will make the book deducting the possible costs of the amounts paid for the first jobs. Another form of coup against the unemployed There is still a long series of small scams against the unemployed, often through advertisements in newspapers, where jobs of various kinds are promised and (postal, administrative, commercial, insurance, labor, legal etc ...) between 50 and 300 R $. Other common variants are proposals via the Internet, presented through emails or websites, often "work at home", other times for supposed works as "consultant", "entrepreneur" etc. In these proposals, usually, the only purpose is to convince people to pay "membership fees" or sell unsuspecting "kits", DVDs, CDs, "trainings", books or other products of this type, all supposedly indispensable to have access to the "wonderful opportunity" and to be able to "work". Once the "taxinha" is paid, or the "kit" or "DVD" is acquired, it is discovered that the work is nothing of what it seemed, on how to sell something from home, other times on how to do SPAM using the computer or how to maintain a virtual store to supposedly sell anything, other times still the kit contains instructions on how to sell other kits equal (ie nothing) to other victims (SIC!) ... and finally, in many cases, nothing is enough and the scammers disappear !! We have already registered to systems via the internet that work with this "logic" or are supposed to work against payment of a fee, the job is to get other people to pay a fee to know what the job is all about (internet) !! A new kind of virtual bored chain. False jobs with companies from abroad. Finally, it is worth mentioning a constant harvest of false offers of work coming from abroad and that have already been briefly mentioned in another chapter of this site. These are offers received via e-mail, almost always in English, supposedly coming from companies or serious entities that claim to need a local representative, agent or responsible to manage clients and contacts in the country. The main function of this employee should be to receive payments from customers and pass them on to that company, deducting their commissions and earnings. They present the possibility of gaining expressive values, between 2 and 5 thousand USD, with a workload in the house of 2 hours daily. In reality it is a cruel blow because those who come in contact with the "candidates" are not companies but yes (usually Africans) who want to use the "clean" accounts of these people, the "agents", to receive money from their blows (all variants of the Nigerian letter or the lottery coup, see relative chapters) locally, thus facilitating the payment for their victims and making them lose track. The problem will remain for such an "agent" who, even if in good faith, received in his personal account money subject to a stellarion and passed it on to third parties using systems such as Western Union or Moneygram. He will be easily found, considered an accomplice of the stewards, and criminally and civilly liable. Take great care. It is also worth mentioning another blow involving "overseas jobs"