Fake News Fooled Me
Fake News is a new term but Fake News has been around for a long time. We have used it to make a story go away, or make the story end the way we would have it to be, there are those that make a living in this field. We call it Fake News, but in the old days we would say you just told a lie. The problem with Fake News, many times a life can be destroyed or ruined because of someone trying to make a dollar. The Fake News peddlers will take some small fact and blow it up to the point you will not know it when you hear it or read it in the paper.
In government, it can mean war, loss of career, or marriage. It seems we are moving into a new low with regards to what we will say about others. Where will this stop? We lie about the security of the country, we put our military in harm’s way so we can look good. Is there no bottom to how low we will go? We fail to understand; this country belongs to all the people. If the government tell these stories what happens when there is a crisis and there is always one over the next hill. What is one to believe?
Fake news did not start during this election cycle; this foolishness has been going on for a long time. It is a story that becomes worst each time we hear one of these weird sleepy time stories. Whether you say you have proof the former President was born in a foreign country and you are going to show the proof to the country, or you have the goods that someone’s father took part or had knowledge of the murder of a former President.
There was a story in the paper and I thought it was real. I told my friends about it and I was upset over something that did not happen. I repeated a tale that had not taken place. I was taken in by the Author? He made it sound so good how could this be Fake News? We don’t have the means to check every story, so we must depend on the pros. To truthfully report the news. If they will not tell us the truth what can we do?
At what point, do we start to call these people out for the harm they are causing. We know fake news is being used by both parties do this and one of the parties seem to make a living off it. We are never sure what was said since we are subject to give fake new to try to fool John Q. Public or me. This news will fool Congressmen as well as the public. So many of them will not do research on the subject and take bad information and tell others about it.
There must be some penalty for this. How can it be enforced, I don’t know? If nothing is done I think the country is going to end up in a war. We will lose young men and women for no reason. I think this country is worth more than to be lied to by people after a dollar. One that will say anything or write anything if it will put money in his pocket. I was fooled and I am upset about it because it could have been handled better.
We live in a time that there must be some level of trust. If the people that run the government cannot be trusted, what will happen to the country? Has Fake News fooled you and made you feel like you have been had?