The Fake Media Has Ignored What President Trump Has Done With His Energy Policies, But I've Noticed.
From: Have you wondered why has prices have gone down instead of up this summer?

The Fake Media Has Ignored What President Trump Has Done With His Energy Policies, But I've Noticed.

It wasn't even six months ago and we were inaugurating our new President Donald J. Trump. As I become more annoyed with the media as they continue to harp on inconsequential and fake news, I notice something that is quietly happening behind the scenes.

Other than for occasional snippets that are announced for a few hours or less than a day, the progress of our President, our economy and our country is pretty much a secret! As I filled my tank with $1.89 a gallon gas on the 4th of July, I realized that summer time is a time for rising gas prices and these are the lowest prices we have seen in years! Is it an accident, or are there actions and policies of our President that are behind it?

As I learned in attaining my economics degree decades ago, supply and demand will dictate prices over time and even in the short term. Our nation had fallen for the ruse of Global Warming and Climate Change and implemented policies that necessarily drove the price of energy up and put the security of our nation at risk for the last few decades.

It hasn't taken long for President Trump and his common sense approach to begin repairing the damage that has been done for so many years. By getting the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines approved, the general direction of our policies became clear and even when the Middle East erupted and the OPEC nations tried to restrict supply to drive up prices, our fuel prices have actually dropped. This is not a surprise to me at all.

President Trump has adopted an "all-of-the-above" policy to exploit our vast national treasure and placed us on a path to "energy independence". Imagine not having to fight Middle East wars to protect the world's oil supply. We can now just create our own supply and protect our own country and resources! The economically feasible resources will win out in the end.

Amazing advances in technology in the last decades have brought costs down and brought formerly dry wells back into existence! We are now beginning to export our vast supplies to other countries, whether it be coal, oil or natural gas. Energy companies have been some our biggest taxpayers, so let's give them the ability to make money and pay taxes to bring our budget more under control!

Exploring and developing our own resources will put more of our own people to work, while removing them from welfare and unemployment rolls. The safety record of our energy companies is amazing. Hardly any job comes without risk, but these high-paying energy jobs can change the lives of millions of Americans.

As we export more and more of the energy that we don't need here, we give other countries an ability to not be dependent on Russia and the Middle East for their supplies. A great example is the agreement this week to provide Liquefied Natural Gas to Poland to make them not so dependent on Russia. Behind the scenes, you should realize that much of the concentration on Russian involvement in Ukraine and Georgia has to to with the location of their natural gas pipelines to Europe. You will also understand that their Syrian alliance could be because Syria has stopped the ability of the Middle Eastern suppliers to build another competing pipeline into Europe! Strange alliances can be explained by following the money.

As we expand our energy strength and capabilities, a wonderful thing happens that should please not just Capitalists, but Socialists (if they really cared about the people). As the supplies of energy increase, the price of energy falls, lowering the cost for the average family to fill their gas tank, heat and air condition their homes and to turn on their lights. The lower costs of these items benefits the poor to a much greater degree than the rich. Isn't it less stressful when you can fill your tank for $30 instead of $60?

The overall policies of President Trump are already going into effect as he frees federal lands back up for energy development and leasing that had been closed over the last decade by Obama and those who had policies that destroyed the finances of the Middle Class. It is not just families that benefit from these savings.

Almost all corporations, manufacturers to a greater degree, will benefit from the lower cost of energy as it will allow us to compete with the lower labor costs from other parts of the world. As costs decrease, upward price pressure accordingly shrinks, which is good for all of us. Higher profits means more corporate taxes, while lower costs means lower prices!

So I ask all of you who are enjoying the low gas prices this summer to ponder how nice it will be when they go even lower and we can enjoy more vacations with the extra money we have from the lower car and flight costs! With more of us working and enjoying this expanding economy in the energy fields, we will have more people spending more money on other things including hotels and automobiles, which also helps to expand our economy!

As a final caution; please remember what we have learned about conservation and efficiency during a time of high energy prices, and let's not go back to wasting just because it will cost less! There is no reason we cannot enjoy this bonus in a way that is good for all of us and the earth. So, for now, let's use that money we are saving wisely and rethink our retirement and investment plans instead of worrying about the future.

Keep your brain engaged and watch that our politicians do NOT reverse the wonderful improvements to our economy by claiming that another way is good for us. We are all too wise now, so let's not forget how they flim-flammed us for years along with the corrupt media to deceive us and lead us down a horribly expensive and wasteful path. More power to President Trump's energy policies!


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