Fake Love By Yvette Kendall

Our world is becoming more and more virtually digitized by the day. So much so, that flirting and courting on social media has led to a procedural "Failure to Launch" by the men, that are attempting to win over the affections of a young lady. At any given moment, one can open her inbox to a flood of memes, photos and emoji’s of extravagant flowers, throbbing hearts or expensive looking chocolates. Although the sentiments are nice…..it kinda appears like the male counterpart wants real-time credit for virtual efforts (lol).

Women are mostly mum on this subject, as to not look shallow and/or ungrateful. Our response to these gestures are generally a quick “Thank you” or a big blue thumbs up! I mean, what else can you say to an empty gesture that is the equivalent of a smiley face sticker? It definitely doesn't fall in the category of qualifying for a date.

This is what one of my Facebook Friends had to say about the subject:

“Please don't send me any more FAKE LOVE, PICTURES of FLOWERS or Chocolates etc. via the internet. The internet got people thinking that sending picture gifts, words, drinks, dinners etc…replaces the physical principal of doing things in reality. People are becoming disconnect to Reality and connected to the things that are NOT tangible like real LOVE for one another.” ~Sonia McKie

I wholeheartedly agree with her sentiments. Imagine if women returned this pseudo gallantry in the same manner??? He would be incensed, he would feel short-changed at the lack of actual involvement. Men are very visual creatures, and although many things can happen in the confines of the inboxes on on social medias. He will tire of that very fast and will insist on escalating to a physical experience. Not, necessarily intimacy but a face-to-face meeting to assure his standing. 

Now, this article is written strictly form the female point of view because….you guessed it, “I Am Female” and I can only give you my experiences and instances of what other women have shared with me. I would argue that virtual people only want to maintain virtual relationships, but that seems to only apply when there is no sexual attraction in play. I suppose the real story here-is to bring a realness back to interactions, some authenticity and effort to the chase. 

I had a frustrating day recently and I expressed on social media that "I needed a hug". Immediately after that, I was sent an endless stream of “virtual hugs” and sympathetic verbiage. Hell, one guy even used this lowly occasion as an opportunity to market his business to me in lieu of a hug (smh). With all that said, no one earnestly tried to find out if I was ok or how they could help me (and nor did I expect more than that).

We have become a society of actionless people and its getting worse. Many are utilizing social media as their only form of communication. They are relying on what they see within your profile and transfer those finding into a faux connection with you, they seem to forget that no real bond was made and anything that follows will for surely be taken out of context. I miss the plain ole art of conversation, it nets a greater pay-off and stronger relationships.

Hopefully, this is timely and valuable news for you because Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and I implore amorous men everywhere to ditch the intangible boxes of chocolates for the yummy and thoughtful real ones…..trust me, you will thank me in the end!

This article has been written by Yvette Kendall and powered by FBI Rocks Organization.



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