Fake leaders, puppets
This article has nothing to do with Technology nor Coding, today I wanted to bring up something different, something that happens in every company, in some companies this is more obvious rather than others. Either way, this topic is about fake leaders, or puppets.
Nothing is more frustrating and counterproductive than a boss (not a leader) who, in his obsession with power, makes projects fall apart, who does not have his own aligned goals and who demands results from you based on his own disorder and ignorance. . . Someone who wants to control everything and everyone because if not, he will make his lack of skills clear, because he does not know how to do anything but use the talent of others to take advantage and advance his career.
On the other hand we have those who occupy leadership positions, but who are nothing more than the shadow of the one who pulls the strings, false leaders who cannot make decisions without the real boss dictating what to do.
Both things go hand in hand, the puppet and the puppeteer, the one who wants to control everything because he doesn't know how to do anything else and the one who allows himself to be controlled in order to maintain a position.
Browsing through the internet I found a couple of very good articles that I would like to share with you, it worth it to take a look.
For the second article, this is the summary:
11 key behaviors of bad bosses that cause stress at work